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kinda funny

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  • kinda funny

    A lot of times, after a long day of traveling people often need to use to restrooms. It is more than ok with me, I can do the boring job of check in without them staring at me, and when they come out, their keys are ready and they just need to sign. This happens A LOT.
    But this guy comes in, dress in a nice suit, and he's jumping around with an air or urgency. He's squeezing his knees together, wiggling and dancing with some shirts he's holding on hangers in his hands. A grown man. I thought it very bizarre; I suppose since I don't have kids, I didn't think that he needed to use the bathroom. But he did. What ensues is very amusing, for me.

    Me: Ur fav
    PP Guy: Peepee guy

    PPG: (gasp) Checkin! (tosses card and id at me)

    Me: (miffed cuz things with thrown at me) Okay.

    PPG: >_< !!!!!!!!

    Me: O.o

    Finally after a full 10 min, I have his keys ready and his reg card to sign. He's signs it so quickly he writes off the page, snatches his keys, and mad dashes towards the elevator. Points for knowing where it is, most people ask. (It's right behind them -_-).

    Anyhoo, I turn at my CW, who's not reacted at all to this bizzare behavior. Then again, he's worked here for 15 years. *brain explosion*

    Me: Did you see that??
    CW: Yeah.
    Me: What was up with that guy???
    CW: (flips page) Probably had to go to the bathroom.
    Me: Ohhhh! I was like, what a weirdo!

    LOL. The funniest thing of all was, he came BACK, and his face was purple. He screamed, "These don't work!!" and threw the keys at me and dashed to the lobby bathrooms. He was in there a long time. Came back with a VERY relieved look. Poor janitor. Next time, just ask, like the others!
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    Quoth HotelMinion View Post
    ..."These don't work!!"
    ... in that condition of urgency he was probably inserting the key upside down, backwards, sideways and in the peep-hole chamber ...
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      Maybe he was paranoid about using public restrooms. I prefer the comfort of my own throne, but when nature calls, any potty will do.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

