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You want the tea with lemon in it ...

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  • You want the tea with lemon in it ...

    Thank goodness it was a slow day, that's all I can say.

    Brain Burp #1 had bought some tea a few days ago that "had lemon in it" and wanted to have his friend check it out. I stared at our tea wall. Even with our badly depleted stock situation, there are still a fair few teas that have lemon in them. Black? White? Green? Oolong? Rooibos? Maté? Herbal? He couldn't remember.

    Oh, wait, it had an "exotic" name!

    Yeah, that helps ... not.

    I took down a couple of tins. Maybe this one? Or how about this one? ... Customer was uncertain. Yeah, maybe it was A. Or no, maybe B.

    Or maybe neither.


    Finally he decided to go home, find out the name, and then he and his friend would return another day.

    Of course, if he's got the tea at home, why not show it off to his friend there ...

    Brain Burp #2 was less of a brain burp than someone who was having a grand social time chatting about her tea collection. I was getting vibes from her that she was very unlikely to actually buy anything. She was very vague about what she was looking for, but would ask to see a tin, and then either exclaim, "Oh, I've got that one!" or just comment on the scent -- but not ask to have any measured out for purchase.

    Finally, after 10 or 15 minutes (at least) of this dithering, she asked me to total up the cost of 150 grams of two different teas (and 150 grams is a LOT, trust me), plus a measuring spoon ... plus a $250 computerized tea-making gizmo that does everything except serenade you at dinner. The total of all her hypothetical purchases came to over $400 and she took the itemized slip and left, saying cheerfully, "I'll be back!"

    Anything's possible ... but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

  • #2
    Argh!! I'm irritated just thinking about that! Probably cos it puts me in mind of a semi regular I call The Dreamer...
    Is it Asshole Day or what? - MoonCat
    It's ALWAYS Asshole Day. - Jay2KWinger


    • #3
      A bit O/T, but maybe you can help me, Pixilated. I'm looking for a particular kind of tea that used to (maybe 15-20 years ago) be available at Dominion, but I can't find anymore. Specifically, instant tea. NOT iced tea mix, just instant tea (the tea equivalent of instant coffee). Is that among the many kinds of tea your shop sells? If so, please PM me with the location (I gather that you're in Southern Ontario, from some of your other posts) - if it's a PM, "snoopers" won't be able to use the info to find who you are.
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4
        Quoth Pixilated View Post
        she asked me to total up the cost of 150 grams of two different teas (and 150 grams is a LOT, trust me),:
        150 grams is a lot? Damn, I buy tea by the half kilo [pound] ... /looks over at a shelf with around a kilo of teas in glass apothecary jars

        What can I say, for a bunch of yanks, our house goes through a lot of tea, I don't think my roomie drinks anything except whatever that green tea is she likes.
        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


        • #5
          You had my patron! Except I think that Mr. It Had Lemon in It goes by Mr. It Had a Blue Cover at the library.

          Eternal browsing is one thing, but eternal staff-time-hog without hope of a purchase is lame.

          I tend to buy my tea in 1/4 lb or 1/2 lb increments. My wonderful tea shop owner gives discounts on the quarter, half and pound amounts

