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Wrong cheque numbers

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  • Wrong cheque numbers

    My job entails a lot of things, but they allr evolve around printing the cheques for my company. We're a management company for insurance funds, so we print a LOT of cheques in a day.

    Well, I had a brainfart that lasted since July 18th, and will cause a lot of headaches for people down the road. We have this one customer that uses preprinted stock, and they are the ONLY one that refuses to sort their cheque stock in the right order for our printing setup. Namely, we need the lowest # cheque on the bottom of the stack, and they put it on the top, and so on.

    Which means historically I've had to pull out every package and re-sort the whole thing into the right order. Not hard, but boring and time consuming.

    Well, we recently switched to a new stock with this customer, to meet bank standards. Completely different layout. However, the stock is STILL in the wrong order.

    However, when we switched over to the new stock, I had a brainfart and DIDN'T reorder the stock. And since this layout doesn't print the number on the cheque underneath the preprinted number (Which I used to use to catch this sort of thing) I didn't catch it until someone tried to void a cheque today. The number of the cheque was one thing, but the system said something totally different.

    So hundreds of these cheques have gone out, meaning we'll need to track and post charts for each one in case they come back to be voided or cleared out of our system. Which will be a collossal pain, and eat up a huge amount of time.

    And it's all my fault because for some reason I didn't do what I've been doing automatically for the last year and a half. ><
    Check out my webcomic!

  • #2
    I understand where you are coming from. HUGE PITA!! Does your check printer print the check number in the MICR line? If so, that should be the correct check number despite the pre-printed one being wrong. Could make life a bit easier to figure out which check is which when you need to.

    I don't have pre-printed stock for my job, but I have been forced into being the MICR expert in my office.
    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


    • #3
      Well, I got written up today for the screw ups that have happened this month. There have, in fact been several. The first two had extenuating circumstances, and by themselves likely would have been let go, but this third one capped it. (In truth, all three things were things I should have caught, as it's my JOB to catch stuff like that.)

      I know for some people getting written up isn't a big thing, but it's a big deal for me. I've worked this job for a year and a half, I've gotten comfortable here... I don't like having things threaten that. Especially when they're my fault.
      Check out my webcomic!

