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Every year on this day...

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  • Every year on this day...

    ... or at least something close, horribly bad things happen. Today happens to be my day of birth (which is no big, but ironic).

    Some examples: 911 was one day later, Grandfather died, cousin divorced his druggie wife (lost his kids to her), and so on and so forth.

    Today: I find out Fox 23 has nothing I like on until 10.. that whole Simpsons/Family Guy movement. Not so big.

    Went to work.. dropped a few pans. The half a pizza. Then a giant pasta well bin FULL of expensive pasta. Then two slices of pizza in one shoe. Then hot pans on my other leg. Then the channel locks I use to grip pizza pans n such. Then my Mother's glass cups. Then my fork at the resteraunt. Then my steel toe falls on my other foot when I was taking it off. Then I dropped the phone and hung up a long distance friend on a card. Then I ate some cake and felt better. Then, the air in my tires went out to the rims. Got that fixed, then my day was complete and here I am.

    At least no one died lol

  • #2
    Well, with all that happened, plus how late in the day it is, it's probably too late to say "Happy Birthday".

    But, I send you good wishes anyway....


