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You do realise I'm on the sick?

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  • You do realise I'm on the sick?

    Hello not sure if this belongs in morons or here, it's a bit of both.
    I think this story belongs as a oops,even though it's not with me strictly at work. Because right now I feel really sorry for my poor supervisor who was at work, desperately attempting to make ends, or rather shifts meet forgetting a few crucial facts.

    Bit of background, (or the morons part)
    Like many companies in this day and age ours been through this cycle.
    Good and prosperous company gets sold.
    New company strips away a lot of the assets or fat from the company.Cutting staff , budgets perks privileges , whatever can to make a quick quid to recoup what they've paid and line the big bosses pockets.
    Then flogs it on to the next sucker, over the years the cycle is repeated.
    Repeated far to bloody often with no one even attempting to put back into the company what's been taken out.
    Until eventually there's nothing left but the bones of a skeleton crew(even then they still try to cut back).

    The situation now is no one can take time off because we

    A) Can't afford to.

    B)The staffing levels been cut back so far (and this was done in the 'boom' years I might add), we generally don't really have the numbers to do frigging cover if you are out sick..:

    We try but it relies on good will on the staffs part and moral which at this point there aint a lot of .As for reasons see above

    Then this year , the winter virus hit and

    In a very large way.

    Just about all of us came down with it. And because we're loyal, employees we still all come in, for reasons A and B.
    Subsequently we all get worse, a lot worse.
    Yet we are still dragging are carouses into work, spreading it to each other and hopefully Scs.
    Finally it comes to a point where we can no longer do this, and the more experienced members of staff who generally are the back up cover go on the sick because they haven't had any time to try and recover.

    All hell is slowly breaking lose now a fair amount of 'back up' has been taken away,
    I'll admit I get a perverse sense of pleasure that the big wigs might just visit , especially because it's mystery shop season.
    If only so they can see the devastation their thoughtless budget cuts have made and they might get some sense and figure out that we need more staff so they better give use more hours and money to hire some.
    Yes I know . , but I can dream.

    Though we owe a debt to the few who are bravely soldiering on (still sick I might add) with increased pressures and no help what so ever, to these colleges I salute. I've very glad I'm not with you though, I've done that situation often enough.

    I however; for the first time ever am on the sick (I always get sick on my own time usually )
    I soldiered on until the virus got to my lungs in a big way, and well I'm not going into work because at the moment breathing is rather difficult.
    Being viral in nature there's nothing I can do about this apart from cough , splutter and gasp for air.

    This would have been my day off, I've missed my previous shift because of this.
    At home in the middle of a coughing fit if you believe it my boss rings, and I actually attempt to answer the phone in between gasps and manage to settle my chest for a few minutes.

    They want to change my shift around, for cover(not unusual, as I've said I never go on the sick, even if I am sick generally I still go to work).

    They have been told I'm at home , I am sick and not in a very good way at all.There is no way in hell I can show up for my next shift, I can't even make it to the bus stop at the moment my chest is so bad, let alone cover someone else's shift.

    I splutter and say yes to the rearrangement of my shifts for later in the week, it's the quickest way to get them off the line .
    This virus has made sleeping and above all eating difficult so I'm not exactly at my sharpest.

    Before they do it starts again, perfect timing but unintentional.

    I can't breathe, and it sounds the equivalent of my lungs attempting to make an escape from my disease ridden corpse.

    Bing bing bing- It strikes my poor overworked super, who is trying to desperately dredge up cover from anywhere that I really am pretty bloody ill, hence why I'm at home not uni.
    "Oh" is the only sound I hear over the phone as I'm frantically attempting to take my inhaler.
    "Yes I was off last shift , I can't make it in this shift or next shift I am really not well. "
    "Yes someone mentioned you weren't well"
    (Note, well I'll admit I wasn't in the best of spirits so the actual message I sent in with a co worker was a little more explicit in symptoms and along the tone of if no answer try hospital mortuary.. Guess she must have toned it down a bit/ lot for my bosses benefit.

    Equivalent hopeful question and assumption I'll be back for Saturday I don't bother answering, Oh yes I'm sure this is going to magically clear up in a day, some times I wonder
    Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.

  • #2
    *hack, hack, cough, cough*

    Me too!

    Sends you some liquids (your choice) and soft foods.

    Get better soon.

    If people would just be able to take the time off when they're sick without the grief, they would stop infecting everyone else!
    No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


    • #3
      I know how you feel. I missed a good seven days of work due to a hideous flu. I still have it a little bit. We are currently on a skeleton crew too. They fired like half the casino.

      I ended up working a ten hour shift cuz all of swing called off. I had like one other cashier with me, the supervisor and the big head honcho manager of the cage had to come in and work a window too.

      Its crazy. But management feels that we can handle it. Grrr. They are making it worse because it really is flu season. And working in such tight quarters its no wonder we're all not down with it. I hope you feel better.

      Oh, I have the hideous cough-- the one thing that really worked for me was Robitussin DM max.

