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Flooded the break room

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  • Flooded the break room

    So apparently I am a douche who doesn't know how to drive a mop bucket properly.

    Normally we have ad set on Saturday nights, but next week there is no ad. So we had relatively little to do tonight. I was ahead of schedule, so the GM asked me to tidy up a bit in the break room and empty the trash, so it wouldn't sit there attracting ants all day tomorrow while the store is closed.

    Well, when I pulled the can liner out, I found that the bottom of the barrel was full of rancid coffee, so I took it over to the custodian's closet to empty it, only to find that the floor underneath it was nasty. Also, there were some spills underneath the lunch table that already had ants.

    So since i had some extra time (which is decidedly rare) I figured i'd better do the job right. I hosed down the trash barrel inside and out and left it to drip dry over the floor drain while I filled up a mop bucket and mopped up the worst areas on the floor (mopping ants into the bucket while doing so ).

    Finished, I then made a phenominally stupid mistake and tried to push the mop bucket with the mop handle, while the mop was still in the wringer.

    I really should have known better because I made this mistake once before and almost tipped the bucket over.

    This time, I DID tip the bucket over!!!

    The resulting tidal wave flooded nearly the entire break room. Rushing towards several cartons of toilet paper lined up against one wall, but mostly rushing towards the opposite wall, beyond which was the ELECTRICAL ROOM!

    I called up to the front and asked if someone could help, but no one did.

    Then of course the GM showed up.

    GM: What happened?!

    Me: I made a mess.....

    GM: Yes, but what happened?

    Me: *explains*


    He then left me to clean up alone.

    On the plus side though, the break room floor is as clean as it's been in quite a while.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    One night, around last Christmas, I got assigned to water the poinsettias we had for sale.

    I couldn't find a watering can anyplace. Just a cut-off bleach bottle that we used to spread sidewalk salt. I rinsed that out good, filled a mop bucket with water, and went around merrily watering the poinsettias.

    By "poinsettias" I actually mean mostly the floor, because they were jammed so close together on the racks and I wasn't given enough time to do a proper job. Plus the bottle didn't have a spout so I had little control over where the water ended up.

    A few days later they were turning crispy and dying. So the rumor started spreading that I put bleach in the water I used to water the poinsettias with.

    I still get teased about that.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Actually, a few drops of bleach help cut flowers, but I don't think it'd have a huge effect on living ones after days. It's more likely there was still significant traces of salt in the bottle, which nuked the flowers. There's the term "Salting the earth" for a reason. That said, it's still funny to me that you did that
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        Heh - at subway - the old mop bucket was impossible to tip over - could drive it around by the mop in the wringer basket like in a race... you could tip the new one over by looking at it wrong... thank goodness for the floor drain

        I also flooded the office - but that's another story


        • #5
          One time when I worked at Papa John's, I flooded about half of the store.

          How? I was DEAD TIRED after working about 90-100 hours that week (and had actually spent a couple of nights sleeping in the office). I walked into the cooler to do inventory while the sinks were filling. My closing driver walked out on me that night, so I was forced to do dishes and close the store alone.

          I sat down on a stack of dough trays in the cooler to count stuff and.. fell asleep. I don't know how I fell asleep in a 35 degree cooler, but I did, I figure I was out about 30 minutes. With the sinks filling.

          I woke up to water lapping at my shoes. That store had a single floor drain, and it was up front, the sinks were in the back.

          I wound up using a squeegee to push most of the water out the back door, finishing my inventory, saying "fuck it" and leaving the dishes in the sink and all the flour on the counters - I was the opening (and closing) manager once again the next day, so I figured I'd just go home and actually sleep in my bed for a few hours then come back a little early the next day.

          Also I fucking hate Papa John's, it took the threat of other companies calling the district manager for a reference to bring in help from other stores. Fuck that place.

          edit: speaking of electrical closets, see my post in sucky customers about our landlord.. our roof leaks really bad in some places, including directly over all 4 circuit breaker panels for the meat dept, one of which winds up tripping several breakers and with water dripping out of the bottom when it rains. If we had single phase 120/240 volt service it wouldn't be nearly as hazardous (but still a major hazard), but we have 3 phase 480 volt service in the entire building. Our larger equipment (bailer, trash compactors, dishwasher, water heater for the dishwasher, etc) run on all 480, and there are definitely 3 phase 480 volt breakers in that panel (everything else in the store runs on 207 or 120 volts - all of our lights are on 207). 240 will hurt you, but as long as you're not grounded, probably won't kill you. 3 phase will go beyond ruining your day if you touch it and you're bone dry.
          Last edited by bean; 05-29-2009, 01:08 AM.


          • #6
            Oh man, I've made some dumb mistakes at my various jobs.
            Okay, lots of dumb mistakes. But dumb little mistakes that you just kinda go "oops" and don't do again.

            Dropped stuff here and there, forgot to put something away biggest "oops" I can think of was when I was in Basic Training (does the Army count as a job? )

            We were on an FTX (Field Training eXercise), which basically means a bunch of Privates out in the woods with angry Drill Sergeants everywhere. It was after our lunch chow (mmmm, MREs), and one of the Drill Sergeants points at me and shouts "YOU! PRIVATE! MOVE THE LOOSE (empty) MRE BOXES TO THE FUCKING TRUCK!"

            Thinking he said "Move the NEW MRE boxes", I proceed to take all the new, still full boxes and load them into the truck. Ten minutes later, said DS walks over.

            Me: "Drill Sergeant?"
            Me: "...I thought you said 'move the new MRE boxes', Drill Sergeant..."
            Me: "...Yes, Drill Sergeant."
            DS, suddenly quiet: "Then I think we're gonna pay a visit to the Beach, Private..."

            And so I moved all the old boxes into the truck, put the new ones back where they were supposed to be, and got to spend half an hour with Drill Sergeant Al Bundy (because he looks and sounds just like him) in a giant sandbox filled with sawdust, and had the honor of practicing my "Low Crawl" while I had sawdust kicked on me.

            Like everything else where I got smoked, it's funny to look back on now, but damn...that sucked


            • #7
              Muffin... this explains why some of my buddies who were in the Army are so damn strange... Thanks for solving that mystery for me.
              "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

              ...Beware the voice without a face...


              • #8
                that's why i won't join the army...


                "I don't date people like you, and i don't do that with strangers...sorry..."

