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Most suck on my part, but paramedic tells me to f%$^ off

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  • Most suck on my part, but paramedic tells me to f%$^ off

    Yes, I know that if someone calls the ambulance, you should let the crew do their work so no one dies.

    edit first, we are told around Wed. there is giong to be a festival around the library. The finally told us on Fri. that to enter, we had to enter on the south side of the street, but to show our badges to get in the garage. No parking for customers, just staff.

    I go to work. An ambulance is partially blocking the driveway but you can go around. I see one of my cw pass the ambulance and one of the paramedic throws his hands up and starts yelling at the the truck. Now I thought the ambulance was doing police duty, since it's usually the police who block the streets/entrances. So I show my badge but the paramedic waves me off.

    Now on the plaza there are 2 paramedics, and one of the guards who looks like he is suffering from the heat, sitting on one ofthe short pillars. I didn't think much of it since the guards usually are also at the entrance of the garage to let people in.

    So I wait, and I decide to try to get the attention of the paramedic to ask if I can go by so I honk my horn. The paramedic throws his hands up at me and says, "Fuck off!"

    I'm flabbergasted. I say, "Asshole, you're telling me to fuck off?" He doesn't pay attention to me. So I get on the cell phone to call someone at work to let them know I am stuck outside. Of course, at this time the paramedic decides to come to me to yell at me, "This is an emergency, someone's is sick!"
    to him:I have to get to work; to cw: I'm outside and I don't know if I should park somewhere else
    him: (at the same time I'm talking to my cw) I don't care if you have to work, you will have to wait or go!

    So anyway, I ask him for his name, and he asks why and I say because he told me to "fuck off"
    him: You are the one cursing at me!
    me: I did not!
    him: I did not tell you to fuck off! I told you to go away! I have witnesses that know I didn't tell you to fuck off! You do what you have to do!

    Ugh. I guess I should have waited, no honking, no asking if I could pass by, but I don't know how long he was going to take. Honestly, I thought he was just acting like the police, just letting workers in. The guard wasn't in a stretcher but I can figure that it might be a long time. And I had no where else to park. Because of a festival going on, the exit to the garage was closed, or else I would have gone down the exit to the garage.

    I'm just tired of abuse. Like yesterday at 6pm a guy in a wheel chair rolls in. We (me and 2 other cw) told him we were closed and he said he would take a min. I told him that we are closed, and he said he didn't know we closed at six, the guard told him he could come in and I shouldn't be so rude to him.
    Last edited by depechemodefan; 06-20-2009, 03:10 PM. Reason: tramua enduces memory block
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    Report this asswipe to the proper authorities. Do it NOW.


    • #3
      I'm on the fence with this one. The paramedic is trying to work and he's being bombarded by people. Does it have a right to be sucky? Yes he does because he is there trying to do his job. You said that they were with a guard who could have been having a heat stroke and trying to get him to either come with them or ar the very least go inside.

      Paramedics are not police and shouldn't be thought of as 'doing police duty' so while yes there is some suck on both sides I think the paramedics need to be let off the hook. You don't know what could have happened before you came up there and I would NEVER say to honk your horn at a ambulence they are usually where they are at for a reason and they don't need to be rushed through there jobs.


      • #4
        Moved to Oops! Since this is more a self-sighting of the brain burp variety.

        I wouldn't report this to anyone. Sure he might get into trouble for swearing, but you could also get into trouble yourself for interfering with emergency treatment. It would be lose-lose.

        Sometimes it's best to let something go.
        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

        The stupid is strong with this one.

