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I came in here to buy something, not give them money.

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  • I came in here to buy something, not give them money.

    I don't even dare to count how many times I've bought and paid for something, and forgotten everything on the checkout counter. It happens over 50% of the time, easily.

    It's like, you're so intent on ensuring you are not a sucky customer (Since we all belong to this community, and know better.) that you don't concentrate on what you actually came in there for. I try to make a bit of conversation, discuss the weather in a humorous way to make them smile, and end with a "Have a wonderful / lovely week / weekend! ^_^ " and then leave the stuff on the counter. Yep.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

  • #2
    I've done that. Hell, once I withdrew $300 from the bank, and then started to walk away without it! Bank teller said she'd be happy to keep it.
    To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

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    • #3
      I've done that before. Once it was my keys. I cashed a check at Customer Service, then went and did my groceries, paid, and went out to my car, and was like WTF KEYS!

      Another time it was my credit card. I went into a gas station and paid for my things, left and went home, didn't even realize. Then I went to check to see if my CC payment went through and saw a 90$ charge in a city south of here.


      • #4
        All the damn time with me. Just a couple of days ago, I nearly wasted 8 dollars on stamps I never picked up. Luckly, a the customer service cashier was nice and handed it to me as I was leaving the store.


