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Yep, Safety Guaranteed! (Kind of sort of long)

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  • Yep, Safety Guaranteed! (Kind of sort of long)

    This is a little ranty, but I've gotten nothing but fun! times from this place. What I'm sharing isn't so much a story, though there is a story in it, as it is a culmination of experiences.

    I am a high-functioning person on the ASD. It means I have a pretty normal life, just a little awkward socially, and I can't stand eating broccoli.

    Which means, of course, I'm still an employee at that charity thrift shop that I last posted about a year ago. Except, since the organization is going into the red, I went from being paid in full minimum wage to being time studied. Yay!

    I should be thankful I have the job I do, and the people I work with. They are fantastic, and the organization has started cutting other crews. Yes, this is all backstory.

    My story is that we were left cleaning up after our electronics crew, who were supposed to go to the new thrift store, but were one of the cut ones.

    They are still being paid [full wage!], but really, they have just given up doing anything for the past three or four weeks. I'm not saying they haven't gotten *any* work done, just tested an item a day.

    This left a nightmarish pile of electronics we were told to get rid of, last night. Apparently we have an inspection from a certain international organization that helps provide our organization funding, and they could be coming any day.

    So we're busy moving, testing, and organizing all of our electronics last night. One of my coworkers accidentally knocks over a CRT TV, piled out into the walkway, and it shatters.

    We open our doors and let the place air out for a bit. We come back to clean up, and start looking for safety gear.

    Turns out, at best, our CRT cleanup kit looks like leather gardening gloves, and a decorative jar pulled from the store itself.

    We have nothing like face masks, or safety goggles.

    So I got a good dose of mercury and phosphorous. Thankfully, I should be fine, but it's terrible when we don't have the items required for cleaning up hazardous materials like we need.

    We also have some lazier and lower functioning clients who think that filling up any spray bottle with a random chemical is the smart! thing to do. Even if the bottle isn't labelled for it. I just dump out the ones I see, rinse them out, and fill them with the labelled chemical when I see it.

    Extra bonus points, because the warehouse, where we sort donations, has no air conditioning during a Mojave Desert summer, or any real heaters, besides space heaters, during winter. Twice now, they've been told by another organization setup to help the disabled to knock it off, and get the clients out of the warehouse if it goes higher than 85 degrees.

    Sounds like a real fun place to work, doesn't it?

    Still, I am glad I have the peeps I do. My boss is a great person, and so are my coworkers. We're just finding ourselves becoming the oddballs in the organization, the ones who pressure everyone else to do their jobs, so some of the higher ups rely on us, while other clients are trying to get us into big time trouble. I've got a back to watch, but at least I know my team is with me.

  • #2
    Eeeep! Glad the co-workers make it worth it, sounds like a lot of scary to me!
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