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Inspector Jerk!

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  • Inspector Jerk!

    Our site had a surprise visit by a man from the department of agriculture. We get these and we're well prepared for them. Anybody being signed-in to the site needs ID, to sign the paperwork stating they understood the safety information we've provided them, and watch a short video. Even inspectors need to do this, it's for safety. This man came in and immediately demanded to be let in to see the managers for an inspection. My coworker looked up his name and saw he hadn't been here before and so needed to complete the paperwork. He threw a fit how he couldn't be made to do it, we were stalling him so we could hide something, etc. She finally managed to get him to do the paperwork and played the safety video for him; which he refused to watch, instead glaring at the door and pacing. The rule is that inspectors should wait no more than 15-minutes for someone to come get them (that's pretty quick here!); that's AFTER being signed-in.

    So this man was signed-in and watched the video in 10-minutes. He had only waited 7 MINUTES for the managers to come get him (while he was doing the paperwork coworker was calling all the managers who are in charge of inspections like this; as it happened everyone was unavailable in meetings as it was the first thing of the day. He tore off his safety gear and yelled at coworker that he didn't have time for this and he had other appointments. He stormed out the door, then turned back and pointed to one of the certificates of operation in the window. he yelled that 'That expires in 8-days, if I come back and it's out of date you're getting shut down!' and left again. Not 2-seconds after he cleared the doors all the managers came-up for his inspection Coworker tried called him back, but he refused to return. The stupid thing is, if he was on such a tight schedule, how long did he expect a complete inspection of a building measuring over a 1,000,000 square feet to take!?!

    The managers called the department and spoke with someone who didn't really address this man's behavior and commented that they really should be exempt from the paperwork. They were told that the paperwork is regarding SAFETY practices that apply to ALL VISITORS, it's not like they're being forced to sign anything that keeps them from doing their job inspecting us. She commented that keeping him waiting over 20-minutes was unacceptable; they pointed out that we have on video he only waited 7-minutes before throwing his hissy fit. This is only the 2nd inspector in 3-years to throw such a fit; at least the other one shaped-up after his 2nd visit. They expect this guy to come back after the expiration date on the certificate (which BTW has nothing to do with the Dept. of Agriculture, rather we get a new certificate of operation every year after making the payment, but if was expired it would give the dept. something to ding us on) and try to give us a hard time.

    My coworker was really upset; she was nothing but polite to the man and he scolded her like a 5-year old. These managers were in MEETINGS with no phones, no radios and we did not know where in the building they were. The guy was lucky it only took 7-minutes! The managers don't seem concerned with him and coworker isn't in trouble, but what is it with people going on power trips lately???
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    Your co-worker was definitely in the right. Mr. RESPECT MY AUTORITAH is trumped by another government agency, one that has the initials OSHA. They are VERY strict about safety procedures meeting their requirements and are very quick to ding anyone who doesn't meet them.

    I worked at a manufacturing plant for 15 years and they had the exact same procedures, but they were even more extensive. If you hadn't ever visited the site, the safety manager would take you into a room for a 30 minute training session before you filled out the paper work! Complete with a Powerpoint Presentation and quiz!

    Frankly that guy should be counting his lucky stars.
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      Guy was a first class jerkwad. Walking ego.

      This, though:
      These managers were in MEETINGS with no phones, no radios and we did not know where in the building they were.
      This worries me. If there were an emergency, how could anyone get in touch with them? Is this usual?
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        Quoth MoonCat View Post
        This worries me. If there were an emergency, how could anyone get in touch with them? Is this usual?
        There are several meeting rooms we could check, and phones there that we could call. I meant cell phones. If there is an emergency, they know to come up front right away; they're very well organized, but REALLy can't be bothered during these meetings. If it had truly been an emergency I could have gone to find them for her. In REAL-REAL emergencies, the alarms would get their attention anyways.
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          I'm sure many inspectors (from all agencies) are actually good people. However, I swear it seems like some just want a little bit of power. Like the crazy Labor and Industries inspector who tried to say our company was "willfully*" breaking rules. He was brand new in that position, and for some reason which we could never figure out, lied about a bunch of stuff regarding the job site. Loooong battle, we won, and the fine was dismissed.

          And it doesn't surprise me at all that the people who were called in the Agriculture department backed the inspector. That's what they do. We had to fight through L&I to get our fine dismissed, and it was not pleasant. As a comparison, it would be like trying to contest a traffic ticket but instead of a judge, you had to convince the partner of the officer who gave you the ticket.

          *not only does this mean the fine is timed by 10, thus a $1,000 fine is now $10,000, but it's just terrible to have on record because potential customers will see it if they look up the business license online.
          Replace anger management with stupidity management.

