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speakerphone should be abolished!

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  • speakerphone should be abolished!

    Is it just me, or does anyone else have problems with the callers who use this.'
    I think I have pretty good hearing.
    Whenever anyone calls on speaker, I can hear an echo and the voice sounds really really distorted, like "WAWAWAWAWA" and I can't understand what they're saying, just that their saying something.
    Whenever this happens at work, I politely ask them "ARe you using spearkphone?" Yes. "Could you take me off?" Well, I'm driving/washing dishes/holding my kids hands.
    Sorry but I just can't understand YOU! My sister does it to. I have to play Guess what they MEAN? My GM too. What's this OBSESSION with it?!
    Does anyone else hate speakerphone?
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    I have headphones that I use so I don't need speakerphone. I used to have conference calls with clients that would put me on speaker and they would cluster around the desk. OY the background noise! What a pain!!!
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      A long time ago, I worked in an office where we had weekly meetings... with half the staff being on the opposite side of the country. We had a conference room speaker phone, they had the same... ugh.
      Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you speak with the Fraud department. -- CrazedClerkthe2nd
      OW! Rolled my eyes too hard, saw my brain. -- Seanette
      she seems to top me in crazy, and I'm enough crazy for my family. -- Cooper
      Yes, I am evil. What's your point? -- Jester


      • #4
        Quoth HotelMinion View Post
        Whenever this happens at work, I politely ask them "ARe you using spearkphone?" Yes. "Could you take me off?" Well, I'm driving/washing dishes/holding my kids hands.
        I would certainly never ask someone to come off of speakerphone if they were driving!

        I have sometimes used speakerphone at home if it's a situation where I need to page through my files, write information down or do things on the computer, since my home phone has no option for using a headset and I am unable to do most of the above while trying to balance the phone between my ear and shoulder (which, incidentally, would screw up my notoriously finicky spine). Whenever I do use speakerphone I try to speak loudly and clearly and minimise background noise where possible.

        Annoying as it is for the listener, sometimes people have good reasons for using speakerphone.
        "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

        Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

        The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


        • #5
          If I'm driving and I get a call, I always hold it to my ear. I don't have those clips that hold your to the steering wheel to use speaker. I also pull over asap cuz it's dangerous to drive like that, especially in a place you don't know.
          And yeah I get if people can't physically hold their phone up that they use speaker. But they might as well say WAWAWAWA cuz that's all I hear. IDK maybe I'm just not used to it...I've had CWs that take calls that are on speaker and they seem to understand it better.
          Can't reason with the unreasonable.
          The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.


          • #6
            The only thing I like speakerphone for is listening to webinars. Otherwise, I hate both talking on them (because of background noise and how the eff do you regulate your volume?) and listening to other people on them. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you" is usually the first thing I say to people who call on speaker phone.

            When I call my brother on my cell, I usually use my little headset. He says I'm quieter but clearer using that, so I guess it works. I like it because it keeps my hands free and I don't get a crick in my neck.
            "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
            -Mira Furlan


            • #7
              Quoth HotelMinion View Post
              My sister does it to.
              Mine too when she's in the car. How am I supposed to understand her when she's a foot and a half away from the mic?


              • #8
                The managers in my company like to use the speakerphone. I've answered calls from other stores and it sounds like they're on the other side of the store. I mean if you are going to use it at least stand close enough to the phone so you can be heard. I've used it while I was on hold with tech support for our photo equipment but I am close by and for that the phone usually rings before they pick up.
                I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


                • #9
                  My parents use it all the time, and it's fine. I can tell it's on speaker, but I can still hear them. It's the people who think it's MAGIC that are the problem. The mic on a smartphone isn't some kind of futuristic NSA listening device. It needs to be close to the person speaking. It will pick up background noise. You can't mutter like you can when you're holding the phone 2" from your mouth. Simple concepts, but we all know these are foreign to a large portion of the world.
                  Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                  • #10
                    I get some people that do this at the IT Service Desk at The Client.

                    I don't even get the WAWAWAWA. I just hear nothing. I'll usually just respond by stating, "If you're there, I cannot hear you."

                    I'll continue to repeat myself along those lines for about thirty seconds before I'll say something like, "I'm going to disconnect this call now. If you still need assistance, please call us back."
                    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                      I get some people that do this at the IT Service Desk at The Client.

                      I don't even get the WAWAWAWA. I just hear nothing. I'll usually just respond by stating, "If you're there, I cannot hear you."

                      I'll continue to repeat myself along those lines for about thirty seconds before I'll say something like, "I'm going to disconnect this call now. If you still need assistance, please call us back."
                      Is that what they are? I thought that that was a dropped call, when you don't hear anything at all. *googles* Huh. Well you learn something new everyday....
                      Can't reason with the unreasonable.
                      The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.


                      • #12
                        Dropped calls often (but not always) result in a click or three and a dialtone. Depends on the service provider, I suppose.
                        "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                        "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                        "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                        "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                        "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                        "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                        Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                        "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                        • #13
                          Speakerphone systems are only as good as the environment they're used in. I find it hard to differentiate a lot of loud noise, so if someone calls me with armageddon in the background I won't hear them regardless of how they're connected. Conversely, I find it much easier at home to use speakerphone but I'll always make sure every extraneous noise is isolated - no videos or music playing in the background, fan off, even closing a window if traffic's heavy. I do this for my own sake as much as the person on the other end; if I can't hear them due to noise around me, how can I expect them to hear me? (Of course we know that not everyone thinks this way, otherwise this site wouldn't need to exist...)

                          I refuse to take calls while driving for the same reason. A small metal box attached to a barely tame rapid explosion generator, surrounded by other similar devices, does not make for an ideal place to speak or listen! I've even got a couple of bluetooth earpieces, which I only use for listening to the satnav.
                          This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                          I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                          • #14
                            Just keep saying "sorry, what?" until they either take u off speaker or give up and go away.
                            "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                            • #15
                              The only time I use my phone's speakerphone option is if the power is out. The handset is placed on the base unit to power it, so I have to use the speaker to call the power company. Fortunately, all I'm talking to is a computer to report an outage....

                              If I am driving, I don't answer the phone. Period. I will look at the CID and/or message when I get a stop sign or am able to pull over. I hate using my phone while driving... there's too many idiots on the road wanting to hit me as it is. Why should I make it easier?!
                              If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.

