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The Blah Inn staff hits the road

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  • The Blah Inn staff hits the road

    It's practically everything but official: We here at the Blah Inn will soon be moving across the interstate to work at the Dreadful Inn, while the staff of the Dreadful Inn will jump over the concrete moat that is the interstate to work here.

    The reason is because my boss' husband has diabetes, which has left him a withered shadow of his former self, basically. He arranged this deal because the Dreadful Inn is lower-maintenance, and it has a better location than the Blah Inn, so it practically sells itself. This means lower stress on his wife, my boss, who will continue to run the property.

    It also may mean less stress on us workers. The Dreadful Inn does not have microfridges in any of its rooms, which means we don't have to ask every damn guest if they want one, and try to nickle and dime them out of a charge for one. The Dreadful Inn doesn't require several things in its rooms that Blah does, which means fewer things for guests to steal. Its rooms open directly to the outside, which means that someone can sneak a pet in, and we don't have to care because they won't be walking their St. Bernard/doberman mix through the hallways where it can jump up on an old lady and scare her to death while the owner says, "Awwwww... Isn't Bunny just so pwecious?!"

    I'm not sure how I feel about all this. According to my boss, the Dreadful Inn is an easier property to run and work at. According to the people at the Dreadful Inn, there's ought to be a sign over the door that reads "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here." The air conditioning doesn't work! The property is on the verge of collapse! The clientele is made up entirely of escaped rapists!

    So, it's safe to say I'm feeling torn, and neither one of the bosses -- the one here, and the one at the Dreadful Inn, who is the sister-in-law of the one here -- wanted to swap properties. Tomorrow's the big day... And in the meantime we wait.
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    It doesn't sound like it's a change for the better, keep up the job search!!!!


    • #3
      Alrighty... Here we are three hours into a 16 hour shift at the Dreadful Inn. As it turns out, there are microfridges in some rooms. The rooms here have as much in them as those at the Blah Inn. Coffeemakes, irons, ironing boards, vestal virgins, etc.

      One room has a severe dampness problem, so much so that there is water running down the window, and it smells like a cave in there. The skylight in the lobby leaks in heavy rains, according to one of the clerks who now works at the Blah Inn, but we haven't seen any evidence of that, and it just rained fairly heavily for about an hour. The day has passed relatively peacefully so far, but that could change at any moment.

      Most of the people who stay here, as it turns out are construction workers who like to hang out on the balconies and spit tobacco juice over the sides. The other demographic majority here, for some reason, is old people. I've checked in a few today, along with two middle-aged businessmen. We haven't been here long enough for the place to prove itself as of yet, and that gnaws at me a little. I think I'm also going to miss the dead people who wander the halls at the Blah Inn. To my knowledge there's not so much as a lousy poltergeist over here at the Dreadful, although we also own two other hotels on this road, and the one at the end is quite haunted.

      Le sigh...
      Drive it like it's a county car.


      • #4
        I've got an hour and fifteen minutes to go in this 16-hour shift, and with that, that will have been my introduction to the Dreadful Inn.

        I don't like it over here. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate it, but I'm not happy. Anyone who has read some of my other threads also knows how much I dislike the Blah Inn as well. It's a little bit like an abusive relationship, actually. Over there at least, you know when the old bitch is going to swing her frying pan, so you can duck. Here... anything could go wrong without warning, and we wouldn't know what to do about it. I hate to say it, but I actually kind of miss the Blah Inn. Yes, it was stressful. Yes, I still want out of hospitality completely. Yes, that building was poorly constructed, on the verge of collapse, infested with vermin, and mildewy.

        But, I actually felt at home there. So far in fact, the only people who have applauded this move are my boss' husband, who rammed the whole deal down everyone's throats, the housekeepers because the rooms here are smaller, and the first shift clerk, who is one of those people who could be perky at a concentration camp, so I'm not sure how much stock to put in her glee.

        Meanwhile, I, the boss, the former boss here who now runs the Blah Inn, the other third shift clerk, and the entire staff of the Dreaful Inn who now work at the Blah Inn, are very upset. My boss says that she's going to try to stick it out for a week and then we'll reevaluate. I'm ready to go back to the old broad that is the Blah Inn now. I miss the abuse... at least until that job at the recovery center comes through again in a few months.
        Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 05-11-2007, 10:55 AM.
        Drive it like it's a county car.


        • #5
          Day two of the forced exile, and already a revolt is brewing. The bosses are unhappy, and so are the relocated staff at each property. The Dreadful Inn boasted a superclerk, as did the Blah Inn when it boasted of me. Dreadful's superclerk, lately of Blah, suggests we all threaten to quit, as the twits who forced this deal on everyone can't possibly hire two full staffs at once unless they want to be here 24/7. She also suggests we get the bosses in a room with their husbands and anyone else with an interest, and force a debate and an airing of grievances.

          Meanwhile, the Blah Inn has refused to make any major changes until Monday, because they're hoping that the situation will reverse itself still. We've done the same here.

          Now, we wait. And while we're waiting, we, the royal we, are counting the number of people who are ignoring the "No Vacancy" sign I put on the front door two hours ago. So far, we're up to seven seperate parties of people who have come in and opened the door where it's taped, causing the sign to flap, yet still ignore it.

          Edit: 8 and counting
          Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 05-12-2007, 04:11 AM.
          Drive it like it's a county car.


          • #6
            Sounds goofy

            Why can't they leave the staff be and just change owners? That would seem logical.

            You guys know the Blah Inn. The dreadful people know the Dreadful Inn.

            Are your sure your boss isn't the cousin of the idiot who owned the mom and pop store I worked at when I was a teenage who also ran a dry cleaner and tried to switch us around all the time?


            • #7
              Well, the problem was that the boss of the Dreadful refused to go to Blah without her staff, which meant that we at the Blah had to pack up and follow our boss to the Dreadful.

              It also turns out there's a lot of family politics at work here, and part of the reason that we all came over here was that our boss' husband is not in good health at all, like I mentioned. He's afraid that he won't live very long, in fact, and somehow or another, our boss being here is some insurance against her brother-in-law trying to sell the property out from under her after he's gone. The family has already noticed that that brother-in-law has started signing papers naming himself the president of the entire company that runs the Blah, Dreadful, Cumbersome, and Repugnant inns, the Cumbersome Inn at the Asheville airport (where this brother-in-law is the manager), and also a Horrid Inn just outside Washington, DC.

              My boss was telling me about it all today and she started crying twice. It's an upsetting time for us all. We all hate the arrangement, but her husband has convinced her that it's better for her to do it, and it will ensure that she won't be left destitute because of her brother-in-law's ambitions. It would appear that for now, the revolution has been cancelled.

              I think I'm getting to be okay with it anyway. Today was better than yesterday, and yesterday was better than the first day here at Dreadful. As times goes on, the place might even be tolerable. I will say though that if that recovery cente job comes through in a couple of months as the manager there said, this whole mess will have made it easier to make the jump to that job.
              Drive it like it's a county car.


              • #8
                Who is the real owner(s) of any/all properties? How can BIL leagally name himself president, etc.?
                I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                • #9
                  Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
                  Who is the real owner(s) of any/all properties? How can BIL leagally name himself president, etc.?
                  I don't even begin to understand all the nonsense going on around here with all this. All I do know is that the family has started to notice these discrepancies on paper, and it would appear the brother-in-law (who, incidentally, once threatened to divorce his wife and disown his children unless he was given a bigger share of the company) has been working behind the scenes to send his tentacles snaking all over the corporation that runs all these hotels.

                  As far as the structure of the company, as I understand it, one corporation runs all the hotels under management corporations for each hotel. Each family runs its hotel under that corporation that answers to the larger one.

                  It works like this:

                  My boss and her husband -- Dreadful Inn
                  Boss' sister-in-law and her husband, boss' brother -- Blah Inn
                  Boss' brother-in-law and his wife, boss' sister -- Cumbersome Inn at Asheville airport
                  Boss' father -- Cumbersome Inn (via a manager)
                  Boss' father -- Repugnant Inn (via a manager)
                  Boss' husband's brother -- Horrid Inn

                  These hotels are all franchises, so the people running the hotels are the owners and managers, but everyone answers to the larger governing body to maximize profit and figure out why if a hotel is underperforming.
                  Drive it like it's a county car.


                  • #10
                    If the BiL from heck isn't the president isn't he commiting fraud by saying so on company documents?
                    ludo ergo sum


                    • #11

                      A new soap opera to follow!!!!!!!!!
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        *seeks update*

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          There really isn't much of an update to give at the moment. I don't know of there will be one. We're settled here, they're settled there and it looks like that's that. My biggest worry now is the fact that the boss and her husband are going out of the country for a month so the husband can get eye surgery. They'll be gone during high tourist season, which puts me right back where I was during the winter when I got so sick of this job that thinking of coming to work was making me physically nauseous.
                          Drive it like it's a county car.


                          • #14
                            Maybe it's time to find some new digs. I hear the Stanley is still haunted.
                            Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


                            • #15
                              I'm holding out to see if the mental health job comes back together in another month or so. Three weeks ago they'd hired me to come in on the 21st, then told me the next day that it wasn't going to work after all. I'm supposed to check back in another week, and then the job might come together again another month after that. It's too good to pass up, so I'm going to wait things out here as much as I can until I get a final verdict on what's going on up there.
                              Drive it like it's a county car.

