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The Curious Incident of the Pasta in the Daytime

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  • The Curious Incident of the Pasta in the Daytime

    This was just...odd.

    So I was doing my usual rounds to fill holes/find wayward products when I run into J at the Barilla bay, and we find two packages of bucatini (Garofalo and Rigorosa) sitting on top of the Barilla-brand bucatini.

    The price points are like this:

    Rigorosa $4.80 (bronze extruded, IMO tastes better)
    Garofalo $1.98
    Barilla $1.98

    Someone clearly got indecisive, but the strange part as pointed out by J was: why two of the same price point? Closest I could figure is that it was someone unfamiliar with any brand except Barilla, so they went with what they knew. N was speculating if they really thought there was a difference in taste between the brands.

    I'm used to seeing pasta ditched places, but never different brands of the same cut.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    Maybe they were doing an ingredient/fiber content comparison? I tend to compare stuff like that, but I usually put stuff back.

