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Surprise visit from head office!

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  • Surprise visit from head office!

    Thankfully I wasn't caught with my pants down (figuratively speaking) when they showed up or I'd probably be in deep shit. Both my ops manager (OpsMan) and the head office missus (HOM) showed up unannounced today just as I was puttering around the desk today. Of course I had my uniform shirt untucked and my tie is MIA, and I'm wearing comfy dress pants...but the pants aren't a huge deal, thankfully, because they aren't yoga pants.

    From what I was told today, when the new security company took over that I was one of two guards that the client insisted be kept on. And of all the client sites that the company took on, mine are the only two that are running more or less smoothly. Sure, they could be blowing smoke up my ass, but it still felt good to hear all that.

    I do know that as the site supervisor that I set the standard for what is expected of my team, and for the most part I am very laid back so long as my guards wear the main pieces of their uniform and don't look like shit. I approved one of my guards to dye their hair bright green which is technically against dress code but I also believe that my guards need to express themselves, within reason, of course. Considering that I have visible facial piercings and tend towards weird hair myself (I have an extreme undercut and I tend to put multi-coloured dreads in my hair) I can't really put my foot down about the green hair. Besides, I find that if you treat your staff like people instead of peons they work harder for you. That has long been my management style anyways, and my people know that I will never expect them to do anything I wouldn't do.

    I was advised that I should remove my eyebrow ring or at least put in a clear retainer, and that my industrial should be changed over to two studs (it's well healed so that wouldn't be an issue, but the eyebrow piercing is less than a month old). And, of course, I should tuck my shirt in and wear my tie, but in the end that's not a huge deal.

    And I've got confirmation that I can have my personal laptop out at work because it is what I do a lot of work related things on. I keep important contact and process information on my personal computer because I can't always access it at work, and I can't access that information from the network while I'm at home. This also includes copies of the schedules, and work emails, and whatnot. I also do all the signs on it as well because I can't use the work computer for that and there's no print capabilities on the work computer. I do up what I need to on my laptop, save it to a thumb drive, pop the thumb drive into any printer here in the building, and go. The work computer doesn't even recognize my thumb drive (or any thumb drive, for that matter) so I can't even do that! Of course, I don't use my computer strictly for work stuff while I'm at work...and I'm really lucky that I didn't have a game up when OpsMan and HOM showed up or I'd have been in deep shit.

    But, all in all, it was a good visit! And I have to find my damn tie...urgh.

  • #2
    I expect wearing the tie like one of Calvin's snowmen is out?
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      It's good when you hear that your client wants you so much they make waves about it. It makes both you and the company look good, hopefully your company will show its appreciation in monetary form...


      • #4
        I'm already planning on asking for a raise I'm pretty sure that the client would even cough up the extra money if I make noises about leaving if I don't get more money.

        I did put a bug into OpsMan's ear about getting me into the local office for a bit so that I could get it straightened up as well and then leave detailed instructions for how to do things properly and efficiently. But I'll push that once the current crisis is sorted - the company has a new (very important site) that they've been having nothing but problems with since before they even officially took it over. I'm a bit surprised that they didn't ask me to move over there, but considering that the client I'm working for now specifically wanted me to stay here it would explain why I wasn't approached to switch sites. Mind you, I have a feeling that the current crisis wouldn't be sorted unless I get them to put me there, even part-time.

        And I'll be stopping by the local office tomorrow after work because my cats decided that my tie needed to be buried. In their litter box. There is no way that tie is ever going to be clean enough for my liking...


        • #5
          I agree once its in the litter box im not touching it with a 10 foot pole in the trash it goes.
          Last edited by MadMike; 02-08-2017, 10:55 PM. Reason: We've already read it, thank you.

