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Pranked a supervisor

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  • Pranked a supervisor

    This 'supervisor' (S) is in name only, she delegates more than anything else. Last week she was hassling J for a new ID card that said "Supervisor"...that would be paying $5 (replacement fee) for far more aggravation in the form of idiotic complaints. Half of the team already redirects impossible questions to her anyway

    Among the oddball items we carry are white chocolate truffles with real truffle essence in the chocolate. Strange, but I like them (7 ounces isn't cheap, but a package lost its top a few weeks ago and a few of us were brave enough to try them).

    K and I are making lists and hauling stuff in the warehouse, and S is sitting on a pallet 'supervising'. K reaches into a random box and produces one of said truffle chocolates; they're individually wrapped, and from the wrapper it's not obvious what it is unless you know what "tartufo" means.

    K: "Hey, S, want a chocolate truffle?" I stick my head in the racks to look for something, but am still watching.

    They do have a decent truffle-y odor once opened, so if you're paying attention you'd know it didn't smell quite right for chocolate. S either wasn't paying attention, thought the smell was coming from something else (we did have beer and a random pallet of cheese sitting out), or just wanted sugar.

    It took nearly five seconds for it to sink in (I wish I had a video of her facial expressions), then she spit the truffle out and ran to the break room for water. A was entering the warehouse just then and bust out laughing "What did you guys DO?" K shows him the candy wrapper.

    She then complained to J, who while not a truffle fan himself, basically said "consider that your product training for this week".
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    that's great lol.


    • #3
      I'm only vaguely familiar with truffles ... what does a "decent truffle-y odor" smell like?
      Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
      ~ Mr Hero


      • #4
        Kinda musty and mushroomy; I'm drawing a blank at a comparison. Seems like something that exists just so people can say they've had it (and pranks can be pulled).

        Around/on Valentine's Day, a couple people were specifically asking for chocolate with truffles in, and asked my opinion on those. I guess I just look like the sort of person who would try bizarre stuff.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

