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Listen to your farking messages

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  • Listen to your farking messages

    Okay. Our phone was messed up all week. Couldn't call in on the main number. As a result, the phone wouldn't transfer calls to the other two lines. Something technical and magical that I don't understand but I know it happens sometimes.

    To alleviate the stress of customers until this was fixed - I called all customers with appointments to call back on THIS number XXX-XXX-DUMB. I even called them using that line so if they were lazy and simply hit the dial from the caller ID - they would automatically dial the correct line. I stated clearly in these messages that they needed to call THIS number so they will be able to get through as the main line was down. I personally called all of them for this week.

    For the rest of the week, we got phone calls and emails from corporate stating that we are basically ignoring customer's calls and they don't understand why they can't get through. I was yelled at quite a few times b/c of it. To make me even angrier - I sent out an email to the appropriate officials who would most likely get angry calls from customers. I explained the situation with the phones and even left the numbers for the other two lines to give to customers so they can be directed as to how to reach us. Apparently, no one read that email.

    Today I couldn't take it and finally said to woman #8 this week yelling at me on the phone,

    Luna: "Did you listen to the message I personally left you on 6/5 stating that you needed to cal XXX-XXX-DUMB to get through to us b/c our phone was being fixed?"
    Woman: "No, I just called the main number I had."
    Luna: "...."
    Women: "Oh! Oh...I guess I messed that up. I didn't even listen to the message. I just looked at the caller ID, saw ___store and called the number I had. *pause* I'm very sorry for yelling at you like that."
    Luna: "That's okay. I've been yelled at all week."

    I was actually so stunned that she apologized that I told everyone I was working with. No one seemed as impressed as I was though. Apparently the kids aren't as bitter to life as I am, so they don't see it for the miracle it was.
    Last edited by Luna; 06-09-2007, 07:09 AM.
    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.

  • #2
    Quoth Luna View Post
    Apparently the kids aren't as bitter to life as I am, so they don't see it for the miracle it was.
    Ah, that youthful enthusiasm about life and humanity, that everything is wonderful and will work out. Is it wrong that I actually like seeing some people break facing the dawning realization of how naive they were?
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Is listening to messages/reading emails the new "reading signs", meaning no one does it because they don't want to learn the info they need?
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        I'm just really impressed you called everyone and gave them the new number to call.

        We are having phone system issues right now too.

        Sucks. Our customers are getting 'ring, no awnser, disconnect' after hours, instead of a message saying that we are closed.

        Funny thing is... I had a frantic email this morning from a lady who was trying to reach us last night at 11 pm. She emailed right after she called. Thing is... we have always closed before 11. Actually, we close at 7.

        I don't know... if I call a buisness in the evening and they don't awnser, I assume they are closed. *shrug*

        Congrats on the apology though!!!!
        I know that feels good!
        There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.


        • #5
          Kinda like calling customer orders. You call, leave a nice detailed message, "this is BNMyTown calling for Soandso, your book is in, we'll hold it at the registers until Such Date, thankyouhaveaniceday" and 2 hours later they see BN on their caller ID and call back and say "Is my book in?" and then we waste time looking it up to see the note that we just called them and left a message on their machine. Bonus points if I'm the one who called and I remember the name.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            I think we need to start scrapping some of this nice new technology. It seems to have made people turn stupid.

            What the hell is wrong with people? If I have a voice mail I assume it's important and listen to it before bugging the people that left it!

            Good for you on the self-control Luna, I probably would have been snitty by the 100th time I got yelled at- especially if, like you, I went above and beyond and called everyone to let them know what the problem was, rather than have them call and call with no answer....

            Ya know, I wish that when someone was that stupid, we could just tell them:

            "Oh yes, we left you a message. Go ahead and listen to that, then call us back if you have further questions." *click*

            I hate how stupid and lazy humans are. Someone needs to start whacking people with the rolled up newspaper. Bad human! Bad!
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


            • #7
              Quoth DesignFox View Post
              What the hell is wrong with people? If I have a voice mail I assume it's important and listen to it before bugging the people that left it!
              Tell me about it.

              I did a project for one of the long-time managers awhile back, and sent her an email to let her know it was done. Later that same day, she calls me up wanting to know the status of that same project.

              "It's done. Didn't you get my email?"

              "Oh, I never have time to check them!", she said cheerfully.

              Maybe if she had taken a moment to check her emails, she wouldn't have wasted the time it took to call me.

              But hey, sometimes people ignore the low-tech methods as well. I had to run some reports for one of the marketing assholes people awhile back, but it got pushed to the back burner because I had some urgent assignments I had to get done first. I finally managed to wrap those up, so I ran the reports, took them upstairs from her, and upon not finding her at her desk, I set them on her chair so she'd find them. I learned years ago not to just plop something down on someone's desk, or it could disappear into the mess.

              About an hour later, I get a call from her asking if I have any idea when I'll be able to start on the reports. I told her I had finished them off and left them on her chair. It turned out she saw a stack of papers on her chair, and just picked them up and tossed them on her desk without looking at them. To her credit, she at least had the sense to feel stupid about that once she realized what they were.
              Sometimes life is altered.
              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
              Uneasy with confrontation.
              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


              • #8
                Quoth MadMike View Post
                "It's done. Didn't you get my email?"

                "Oh, I never have time to check them!", she said cheerfully.
                My boss does that ALL THE TIME - he sits right behind me, and will ask me to do this or get him problem, and i will, and generally he wants a document e-mailed to him. If its something simple (which it ususally is since he's lazy and won't get it himself) i will do it right away. I can't tell you how many times he has stopped by my desk, a good while later asking about it, and i will say "i sent you an email" - he never bothers to look.

                Or better yet, if he asks me to research something and give him what i find, sometimes i can't find exactly what he wants, and will go over and try and explain to him, "i know you wanted this, but i only got that...blah, blah, blah" - most of the time he cuts me off since he's oh so busy, and can't be bothered. Well, you guessed it, later on, when he finally looks at it, he then questions why i didn't do this or that..were you NOT listenting to me earlier? drives me up a wall.
                Last edited by MadMike; 06-13-2007, 10:38 PM. Reason: No need to quote the entire post


                • #9
                  Gah. I hate people who can't bother to search the likely places before asking about things.

                  If you requested an email, check it. If you have a missed call, check your messages. If you requested a fax, check the machine (and don't forget to make sure it has paper {based on a true story}). Don't suddenly remember that you aske for something hours ago and pester the person who already gave it to you asking where it is.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

