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My new shitty job

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  • My new shitty job

    Yes! I got it! I now work for the city.

    I’ll be making a lot more money. The benefits are incredible. Forty hours a week (more if there are hurricanes/natural disasters). Wonderful retirement program. Tuition reimbursement.

    I won’t actually start for a few more days, because of drug tests and what not, but I am definitely hired.

    Now, why do I say it’s a shitty job?

    Because I will be working in the city’s waste water facility. Yes, I’m treating waste water and sewage.
    Literally, a shitty job.
    Actually, it’s not as bad as it seems. I toured one of the facilities today, and it’s all very clean and well maintained. If I need anything, like boots, gloves, respirators, etc, that’s all provided.
    There was only one part of the plant where it smelled like sewage, and that’s just a small part of the job.

    But the room for advancement is far beyond what it is at my current job. And once I get my operator license (at the city’s expense, of course!) , I get more pay. When I get the next license - more pay!
    Next license - you guessed it. More pay! Mo’ money! Mo’ money!

    Now here’s my dilemma. As you know, I work part time.
    Should I keep my part time job? I’d have to work that during the closing shift. I’m thinking about cutting my hours back to around 15-20 hours, 3 or 4 days a week. Right now, my schedule is all over the place. Close one night, open the next, with a mid-shift here and there.

    Or should I just quit? And if I do, should I give a 2 week notice? The thing is, I’ve practically begged them for full time since I started, and always got the run around. Do I owe them 2 weeks? Or would a week’s notice be sufficient?

    I’m not the kind of guy to just walk out on a job. I’ve always given a notice. However, this job has bankrupted me and I can’t afford to wait 2 more weeks.

    So what do you think? Keep the job, or quit?

    Regardless, I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. I have a new job, the happy pills are working, and I’m finally getting work some work done on my house.

    Yay me!
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    Considering what you have had to put up with, I'd say immediately quit. I'd put good money that they aren't going to pay attention to the change in availability and schedule for shifts you can't work anyway.

    That said, check labour laws where you are. It might be illegal to tender an immediate resignation.
    I AM the evil bastard!
    A+ Certified IT Technician


    • #3
      Yaaaaay!! that's awesome!

      I would give 2 weeks if you can. If you decide not to keep the job part time it gives you the option of changing your mind later and asking for some hours should you need it...always better to leave on good terms whenever possible.

      One possible option is to tell the current job about your new position and that you are considering keeping the paint gig part time and see how much they are willing to work with you on the hours. If they can work with you, you could always try it for a few months and if it's too much or you decide you don't need it you could always quit then. I'm assuming your new job is a set 9-5-type schedule? I would suggest being "unavailable" at least a few specific times (including a weekend day if possible) so you don't end up getting scheduled every day of the week. I always told them I couldn't work Sundays just so that I knew I'd have at least that day off every week, unless they were desperate and really needed me.

      Whatever you decide, Good Luck! I'm very glad to hear things are looking up and the medication is helping, too. (Hey, with working on the house, it might come in handy to have whatever discount you get at the hardware store...just a thought.)


      PS The 2 weeks thing is really more of a courtesy than a matter of law, unless you signed a contract that specifies that. Most places, especially retail, are "at will" meaning either side can terminate the employment at any time, with or without notice. The 2 weeks just gives them a chance to find a replacement and makes you look better (should you ever need a reference or something like that; something to keep in mind...burning bridges and all that...)
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Grats knightmare.

        You're in Florida, lol. There is no laws about 2 weeks notice or anything. Business can let you go for any reason (except reason that federal law don't allow) and without any notice. On the same token, you can stop working for a business any time you please. As long as there isn't a "contract".

        So it's really up to you knightmare, you can set the terms if you want. The worst they can do is not let you work. You might want to check your contract with the county. Not sure about orange county, but hillsborough don't allow 2nd jobs.
        I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


        • #5
          I would give at least 1 weeks notice if not two, just to be able to keep them as a good reference in the future or a fall back on if you need a few extra bucks in the future. Remember though, that some places will show you the door as soon as you give notice so time it assuming that this may happen and you won't be left high and dry without a pot to piss in (sorry bad analogy

          As for you new job, congrats. My dad worked at the local treatment plant about a bajillion years ago (more like 30 in all honesty). He said that he got certified in several areas, and held certs in spots where no one else did. This put him in a certain advantage at times and put extra money in his pocket. So I would do all the extra training and certifying you can.
          My Karma ran over your dogma.


          • #6
            The joy of at-will employment (which is how most US states work) means not only can the company fire you at any time, you can quit at any time. Giving 2 weeks notice is becoming almost a quaint relic of the past.

            If you had a good relationship with them I'd do it as a courtesy, otherwise I'd just be blunt and say "look, I started a new job and they need me ASAP".

            The way I look at it, if the situation was reversed, would they give you notice they were letting you go?
            "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


            • #7
              All done and said, I think you really needed and deserved this break. Nice one



              • #8

                From the sounds of it, I would say that you need the extra time to yourself more than you need the money. If I were you (and if I was you, I'd be making more poop/work jokes ) I'd quit your current joke as soon as possible.
                I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                • #9
                  I would quit the other job. If you feel better giveing notice do so. But do what i did... tell them you can only work these many days for the next two weeks. I had notice in and i didnt work those two weeks at all because with my new job i could only work weekends. Besides i quit when i was injuried and couldnt work my main job anyways,


                  • #10
                    Congratulations on the new job... I know you've been looking for awhile.

                    About the part-time job, I can only offer a few things you might want to think about:

                    1. If you enjoy the job, it might be even better now if you're not worried about getting full-time. Plus, you have the comfort of knowing that if something there annoys you, you can leave and it doesn't really matter.

                    2. If the job's contributing to stress, it may be better to dump it... you don't want to mess up the full-time gig because you're stressed out over the part-time one.

                    About two week's notice... I usually present it this way: "I'm happy to give two week's notice. However, honestly, I'd be just as happy if we parted company now." I've found a lot of employers would rather not have people working there that they know are going to be leaving soon. It depends a lot on whether or not they'll need time to find a replacement.
                    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                    • #11
                      Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                      The joy of at-will employment (which is how most US states work) means not only can the company fire you at any time, you can quit at any time. Giving 2 weeks notice is becoming almost a quaint relic of the past.
                      Only in part-time, don't care about anything jobs. In more professional fields, contacts are important, and people remember if you screw others by leaving without notice.

                      As for the original question.... are you getting anything important out of the paint job? If not, that's time you can never replace that you're spending there. Two weeks notice would make a dignified exit, even if it is "two weeks and this is my availibility during those two weeks". If they don't like it, then yeah, you have every right to walk right away.


                      • #12
                        My 2¢

                        Your present job has given you nothing but money. They have either rejected or ignored your requests for more hours.

                        If you like the boss and you want to stay on, tell them that you are going to a new job, which will be your primary job. Tell them the hours that you can work for them, and that they are firm. They'll either schedule you for when you want or they'll let you go. No big loss if that happens.

                        If you like the boss, but decide that you don't want to work there anymore, give a weeks notice. If you don't like him/her, call about 5 minutes after you are supposed to be there and say, "Hey! Sorry I'm late. Oh, by the way, I quit!!!"
                        This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                        • #13
                          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                          PS The 2 weeks thing is really more of a courtesy than a matter of law, unless you signed a contract that specifies that. Most places, especially retail, are "at will" meaning either side can terminate the employment at any time, with or without notice. The 2 weeks just gives them a chance to find a replacement and makes you look better (should you ever need a reference or something like that; something to keep in mind...burning bridges and all that...)
                          Not in Canada. The Federal labour laws up here state that you are required to give 2 weeks notice. The catch is, an employer cannot modify the schedule for that period with the exception to accommodate a new employ.
                          I AM the evil bastard!
                          A+ Certified IT Technician

