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I don't really see what's so bad about this...

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  • I don't really see what's so bad about this...

    So for a few reasons, I find it rather difficult to tell for certain if someone is intoxicated, and I really don't think I can refuse an alcohol sale just because "maybe, there's a slight possibility that he COULD be drunk"...

    So i've devised a nice method - if I see a couple of the possible warning signs on someone, when they come up to the counter, I'll say in a jovial tone "Hey, you boys look like you been out doin' some drinkin'!"

    And when they say "HELL YEAH MAN! We're freakin' WASTED!"

    Sorry, no booze. Yeah, it's a little bit crappy because I basically tricked them, but when we're talking about my job, my life, fines, lawsuits, maybe even jail time, not to mention someone ELSE'S life and maybe even that guys life that I refused...I don't see that it's such a big deal but I usually get these disapproving looks from upper management when they hear about it.

  • #2
    Some of the signs to look for are:

    * slurred words
    * large pupils
    * loss of balance, falling down
    * very loud or very withdrawn behavior
    * inability to focus vision
    * loss of co-ordination (if they're fumbling for their keys, for example)

    There is nothing wrong with what you did. had they been sober the answer would have been quite different. Screw management. it's your job at stake. You'd be the one sued if something happened after you served them.
    Last edited by bigjimaz; 09-23-2007, 10:04 PM.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


    • #3
      I think what you're doing is a great way to handle the issue. As you said, you have a hard time telling for sure if someone is intoxicated--unless I'm super-drunk, anyone who doesn't know me would have a hard time telling that I'm drunk (I'm a pretty self-posessed drunk, if I do say so myself)--so it doesn't hurt to try to get the customers to help you determine how intoxicated they are. Plus, by refusing a sale to someone who is obviously wasted and has told you so is good for everyone's safety.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #4
        Well, its hard for me to pick up the smell as I am a heavy smoker. I can smell it, but I can't necessarily differentiate between booze, Axe, certain kinds of hairspray, etc...

        As for the other signs...staggering? slurred speech? fumbling around? yeah...that's...everyone around here. all day. some people got some serious issues.


        • #5
          Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
          So i've devised a nice method - if I see a couple of the possible warning signs on someone, when they come up to the counter, I'll say in a jovial tone "Hey, you boys look like you been out doin' some drinkin'!"

          And when they say "HELL YEAH MAN! We're freakin' WASTED!"
          So they admitted it when asked? It's not really entrapment if you're just making small talk and they're too drunk to shut up. Think of it this way, they're helping you and themsleves by telling you not to give them a drink.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            I staggered (I'm not proud of this story, but it IS kind of funny) into the Duty-Free store on a cruise ship once three sheets to the wind, slurring, wobbling, and stupid, told the clerk I was completely obliterated on the rum I'd bought from him earlier (among other things), and announced my opinion that not only should he sell me more of it, but that he should sell it to me at a discount, too. (for the record, no, I was not sucky. I demanded nothing. I swear. )

            Damned if he didn't do it.

            Me: Sir, I've been enjoying that fine rum you all were selling earlier at buy one get one half price discount

            Clerk: I can see that. Looks like you've been enjoying the hell out of it.

            Me: Indeed I have. I'd like another bottle of it, if I could. I only got the one bottle.

            Clerk: Why did you only get the one bottle? You could have gotten the second one half price.

            Me: Cuz I was sober then. And I didn't know if I'd like it.

            Clerk: You know, you're supposed to get the discount when you buy the two together.

            Me: I know. But hey, LOOK at me. It ought to be pretty clear to you I've bought at least one bottle.

            Clerk: Okay, yeah, it is. Sure. If anyone asks, we didn't have this conversation.



            • #7
              Quoth bigjimaz View Post
              * slurred words
              * large pupils
              * loss of balance, falling down
              * very loud or very withdrawn behavior
              * inability to focus vision
              * loss of co-ordination (if they're fumbling for their keys, for example)
              That's me on some of my GOOD days. And I don't drink much, or very often.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                That's me on some of my GOOD days. And I don't drink much, or very often.
                Indeed. Some illnesses mimic drunkenness. On the other hand, I'm probably best off never drinking anyway - I'd probably break something. Most likely me.
                Seshat's self-help guide:
                1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                • #9
                  Just out of curiosity. For those of you having to sell booze and worrying about selling to someone who is allready toasty but you aren't sure how to tell, what about talking to your local PD. Who better to give you pointers about what to look for and how to tell then the folks in blue who are trained in this same subject. I mean, they do DUI and drunk and public arrests, they would be the ones arresting you for serving a drunk. They may be able and willing to help you feel more at ease with this.

                  By the way, I do like your method also. I do know though, that back when I was drinking I could easily blow numbers and you could never tell. And this was with knocking back a bottle of whisky and a couple 40's a day.

                  From experience a few things to look for on drunks would be.

                  Overly red faced/flushed.
                  Like others have said, slurring their words.
                  Excessive talking. If you've ever delt with someone on coke or speed a drunk can be the same way, just not as bad.
                  acting in a "daze".
                  Pupils larger then normal, difficult to focus.

                  More me just being a smartass type tell tell signs.

                  If they have vomit on their shirt.
                  if 7 beer cans fell out of their car when they got out of it.
                  if they are wearing a Phish T-shirt.
                  if they are buying mad dog 20/20, Thunderbird, or cheap booze thats really paint thinner in disguise.
                  If they still have on their drinking hat.....that has a can of coke on one side and a bottle of jack on the other. You know the drinky kinds with two spots (one on either side) and a straw.
                  If they are wearing missmatched shoes...IE. one black shoe and one dark blue....sandle...
                  Last edited by digilight; 09-24-2007, 06:14 PM.
                  My Karma ran over your dogma.


                  • #10
                    When I worked at a convenience store we always had an issue with people trying to buy alcohol after 2 am (12 on Sundays). Most of the clerks would yell to people opening the cooler that it was past time, but I found that was an invitation to shoplift. So what I would do was say nothing until they came to the counter with the beer. I would ask "Is that all for you?" Usually they said yes, then I would take the beer, put it under the counter and say "Sorry, its past 2 (or 12). Thanks." People would usually get pissed, but all they could do was leave.


                    • #11
                      Your coolers didn't have locks on them? Whenever I do an overnight I'll actually lock mine at about quarter of, so I can shut off that last minute bar crowd....drunks get nasty if you tell them they are too drunk (and again, i might not be able to tell), but if I just say its after cutoff time, they take it better. they'll argue about their watch being different, but I don't really care about that.

                      It's not that I can't spot the signs of a drunk, its just its relatively common around here. There is a large number of people will certain illnesses, disabilities, issues, or whatever, and many of them stagger, slur their speech, have unfocused vision, or whatever...all the time.

                      Or you get someone whose face is beat red (he just got a blowjob out in the parking lot) and he's staggering (he's been working on a boat all day) and his eyes are red (it's allergy season), large pupils (he just took his dark sunglasses off) I supposed to refuse this guy booze?


                      • #12
                        Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
                        So for a few reasons, I find it rather difficult to tell for certain if someone is intoxicated, and I really don't think I can refuse an alcohol sale just because "maybe, there's a slight possibility that he COULD be drunk"...
                        One thing you are forgetting here is that it is NOT your responsibility to determine everyone's inebriation levels. Yes, you need to make sure you don't sell to someone who is drunk, but you are not required to be an expert on who is and isn't drunk. If they are obvious, fine. If they seem like they are sober, also fine. If they are borderline, that doesn't mean you can't sell to them. There is no law that says that you can't sell to people who have been drinking, merely that you can't OVERSERVE, i.e., sell to someone who is obviously drunk.

                        You are not a detective, nor do you need to be one. You merely need to be alert and attentive to people's conditions and conscientious of not selling to people who are beyond the pale.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."

