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A Pezzleicious Update

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  • A Pezzleicious Update

    My life is a long story, so I'll give you the short short version:

    A) Quit Circuit City
    B) Remained unemployed because nobody cool wanted me
    C) Realized rent doesnt pay itself
    D) Realzied hereditary depression is striking at me
    E) Seeing mental health professionals, taking wellbutrin for the first time today
    F) Not feeling much better, but I have to get into theraputic range so whateva'

    And now

    G) Got a job at Best Buy I don't really want because it's going to be the same Circuit City customer black friday BS all over again
    H) Got a job at EB Games today that absolutely rocks. The assistant manager/associate who took in my application wrote HIRE HER PLEASE!!!! all over my app in red marker.
    I) Going to work both. Yay -_-'


  • #2
    Hey pezzle. i just got fired from EB Games/Gamestop, as a Senior Game Advisor, and let me tell you, that job will wear on you quick.

    Watching your managers get all kinds of free shit from vendors while you bust your ass for low-pay wasn't worth it after awhile, and i got fired for an overly simple reason.

    Just be careful, cause they do have a HUMONGOUS turnover rate. The discounts are really awesome though, and most of the customers there aren't as bad as typical retail.

    You will get sick of trade-ins, fanboys, and ten year old kids who destroy the store.

    If you have any questions about the job, feel free to PM me. Congrats on getting out of that nasty unemployment slump.


    • #3
      I know two employees and the GM so I think I'm okay in this spot. It's a mall EB games so it's nice and tiny. The GM is one of the most relaxed and crazy people I know... in a good way. Plus it's not warehouse sized big box store, so I'm definately OK with it.

      Basically all they do is inventory, price tag, and then play wii between customers.


      • #4
        Quoth Pezzle View Post
        My life is a long story, so I'll give you the short short version:
        D) Realzied hereditary depression is striking at me
        E) Seeing mental health professionals, taking wellbutrin for the first time today
        F) Not feeling much better, but I have to get into theraputic range so whateva'
        Good for you. Stick with the treatment - if it's hereditary, there's almost certainly a biochemical component and you'll need that component treated with drugs. Unfortunately, because the body filters blood before it enters the brain area, treating the biochemical component is guesswork. Fortunately, there's a lot of drugs that treat biochemical depression, so they'll find the right one eventually.

        Simultaneous with the biochemical treatment, get in touch with a psychologist or get a good mental-health book and learn ways to cope with the depression. Learn helpful or useful ways of thinking - accuracy doesn't matter as much as helpfulness.

        Good luck!
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #5
          Quoth Pezzle View Post
          D) Realzied hereditary depression is striking at me
          E) Seeing mental health professionals, taking wellbutrin for the first time today
          F) Not feeling much better, but I have to get into theraputic range so whateva'
          I'm on effexor myself. Just remember it takes about two weeks before the drug is fully in your system. And the most important part: When you start feeling better keep taking the pills!

          If after two weeks you don't notice any change. Keep taking the pills and talk to your doctor about how you don't feel any better.

          I hope you find the right one for you! It makes life so much better.


          • #6
            How does Effexor work? I know wellbutrin helps regulate norepinephrine and zoloft/prozac are SSRIs, but what is effexor? I have high hopes for wellbutrin, especially considering its lack of day to day side effects.

            I am eating a meal before I take it and I'm pretty nervous, I know during the first 2 weeks or so the side effects can kind of creep out, dizzyness/fatigue/fuzzy vision and such.

            I want to stay away from zoloft if I can, simply because of the side effects.

            And yeah, everyone on my mom's side of the family and one or two on my dad has clinical depression. It was invetibale. I tried to hide and deny these feelings for years (probably about 5 or 6 now) and it just came to the forefront. Now that I'm more educated about depression and therapy and the treatments available, psychiatry is not a big scary monster to me anymore, and taking medication is OK.

            Edit: It's making me tired and slightly disoriented... and my fingertips feel numb. I think I'm ging to go lay down.
            Last edited by Pezzle; 10-20-2007, 05:33 PM.


            • #7
              Hmm - what happened to the job washing down irradiated people, or am I thinking of someone else?



              • #8
                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                Hmm - what happened to the job washing down irradiated people, or am I thinking of someone else?

                Kind of in a bind there! That would mean I do not get to go to school, and thusly lose my health insurance (and my ability to take my medication now).


                • #9
                  I'm finding Provigil to be a great short-term anti-depressant... that is, take it today, it works today. Problems: it doesn't work for everybody, insurance rarely covers it, and it's hyper expensive.

                  Still, after just three days, I feel better than I have since last February.
                  I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                  • #10
                    I'm feeling absolutely fantastic right now, though it could be that nice shot of dopamine I'm getting from the meds. It feels like it's working a little bit, I still feel depressed but I feel like I have more energy and everything feels more sensitive. I have to explain later, it's a unique feeling


                    • #11
                      Quoth Pezzle View Post
                      Basically all they do is inventory, price tag, and then play wii between customers.
                      Okay, I want that job! Screw waiting tables! And I'm not even much of a gamer, normally.

                      (To give you an example, the only game I play regularly on my computer is Minesweeper. Of course, I ROCK at Minesweeper!)

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        She said it. She actually said it.

                        My therapist said "Sounds like you need me from being in retail more than your depression!"



                        • #13
                          There must be something with working retail for an extended period of time and needing anti-depressants... seriously.

                          I started Lexapro and Kloptin (sp?) this past Thursday.

                          A little dizziness, a little nausea, but I AM feeling more 'balanced' than I had been for the past year or so.

                          It's nice to know I'm not alone.
                          Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


                          • #14
                            Quoth Pezzle View Post
                            How does Effexor work?
                            Basic info here
                            Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                            • #15
                              Quoth OfficeSlug View Post
                              A little dizziness, a little nausea, but I AM feeling more 'balanced' than I had been for the past year or so.
                              I wish I could say the same. I've plunged deeper into my depression, I'm starting to feel panicky, anxious, and swallowed by it. Absolutely engulfed. And that doesn't even count the side effects I feel from the medication itself. I think it's the same, as with antibiotics everything feels worse before it feels better. I'm going to give this another week, but if the side effects don't fade and I don't feel any better, I'll have to try something else.

