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The need for health insurance is driven home

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  • The need for health insurance is driven home

    (Some parts may be considered gross. Read at your own risk.)

    I've just spent the better part of a day and a half laid up with a mild case of food poisoning. I say it's that because that's what my boyfriend, who used to be an OR nurse before he found his calling in working with deranged (literally) teenagers, suspects it is. He suspects that because there was blood in the vomit.

    Why am I not in the hospital right now? Why am I sitting around hoping this goes away on its own (and it seems to be -- I was able to keep a dinner of ice cream down)?

    Because I have no health insurance. I have worked in motel hell for more than five years, and aside from the low pay (I found out that a girl who works at my favorite Subway restaurant makes $1.50 more per hour than I do and she's been there two years), my biggest complaint is that I have no health insurance. I'm living on borrowed time and I don't like it.

    Sure I've tried to escape. Many times, in fact, but before I learned that my resume was defective, I was turned down for everything I applied for except, ironically, a job with a mental health provider that went tits up within a month of hiring me.

    I've reached the point that I did actually apply at a factory where a friend works. If hired, I'll babysit plastic molding and injection presses for twelve hours a day, while wearing a hair net and a beard net that will make me look like an idiot. I'll be working the night shift because that's all they're hiring for right now, so I won't even get the pleasure of working with my friend. I'll likely be bored senseless, and either my coworkers will hate me or I'll hate them. That's pretty much just how things work in factories, or so says my brother, who has worked in a printing plant for going on 20 years and has on more than one occasion nearly been driven to the point of a nervous breakdown by it.

    However, the job offers health insurance, life insurance, profit sharing, and the pay starts out at $1.25 more per hour than I make at the motel.

    So, I'll take it if they'll have me. I'll hate every second of it, but at this point anything would be better than motel hell. And also, when I eat a bad batch of nachos again, at least I'll be able to go to the hospital and not have to debate first whether going to the hospital will force me to either sell my car or declare bankruptcy.

    Those of you with health benefits through your jobs, count your blessings.
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    Glad to hear you're feeling better...mmmm, ice cream!!!
    Not all who wander are lost.


    • #3
      Yeah, I feel your pain. I'm sick, i need my meds adjusted, and my dad just got laid off. The problem is, best buy has no full time positions open right now and I will have to quit school to get said full time hours.

      Woe is me.


      • #4
        Don't get too down on factory work. Like everyplace else, it varies based on the factory. Your brother had a bad one, but don't let him get you down on it before you even can feel the place out.

        Also, don't worry about the hair/beard net. If you look ridiculous, at least everyone else there will too.

        Other than that, go for it! Best wishes.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          Well, to be fair, my friend likes it out there. She got hired on through a temp agency, and while she says it was tough to get the hang of at first, she caught on and her days pass by quickly.

          I think honestly, if I do get it, I'm more worried about not liking my coworkers or them not liking me. I've had that problem before, often for a very long before I suspected that I wasn't liked. I never knew why.

          I do like the schedule out there too. You work for two days, then you're off for two days, and you're off every other weekend, plus holidays. If I were to get on out there and I got along with the other employees and they got along with me, it would all be gravy.
          Drive it like it's a county car.

