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Snowed in

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  • Snowed in

    Not us, no. But one of our distributors is. They haul us a trailer 3 times a week from Colorado, and have to pass through the Texas panhandle to get to us.

    That part of the state just got a metric fuckton of snow dumped on it. Well, a ton for Texas.

    They normally show up by 10pm. 11 is the latest we've seen them show up. No call from them either, they just.. never showed up. So I can only assume the truck got snowed in somewhere, or the driver ran out of hours and had to stop for the night.

    Those who don't know, the DOT allows drivers a set amount of hours a day to drive. Once they've used them up, they're supposed to stop for 10 hours. LOTS of drivers and companies alter their logbooks to show proper stops (cops can ask to see these logbooks, and they get in BIG trouble if they're caught running without hours or forging the books).

    On the plus side, we only had our corporate delivery to work with this morning.. so we finished at 5am instead of 8 (all of us stayed until our scheduled off time to do backstock and build endcaps). On the minus side, that truck will probably come in sometime today, and it'll get left for tonight.. and we won't have enough people scheduled to handle both. On the neutral side - more overtime for me. I can use the money, but after handling Thanksgiving sized trucks, I'm ready to actually get out on time.

    We're actually supposed to get down to freezing tonight, and it's going to rain all friggin day (there's actually a ... thunderstorm... going on right now.. WTF?)