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Pay Attention Will'ya!?

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  • Pay Attention Will'ya!?

    *slams head into wall*

    So far I am finding with my new job that I dont have problems with SC's. Mainly I get problems from SCW's. I already ranted about the lady who will steal our bins and now I am almost at the end of my rope with the meat lady.

    At night we have all the main aisles for our skuds so we can transport merch fast. We are very courtiouse of padestrians but they know to get out of the way before we make it to them or else it will slow down our unloading of merch from the trucks.

    But o no not Mrs. Meat Lady.

    She has racks that she will place her meat on after close so she can transport it to the freezer or fridge for the night. She has meat aisles to work in and these racks fit into them just fine leaving enough room to work around. But of course she cannot use these aisles. She has to leave 3-5 racks in a main aisle directly in our way. I honk my horn every time I get near her area and I sometimes even get off and move the racks myself. I asked her once politely to move them and all I got was a grunt in return.

    She is also the most obliviouse person I have seen on the floor thus far. I have witnessed her walking BACKWARDS out of the meat dept with some meat and walk right into the path of an oncoming fork. Our forks are not quiet. We honk our horns at every turn and everytime we see someone who has even the slightest chance of going into our way. Fortunatly the driver was not going fast as we treat the meat dept as a trouble area.

    Also earlier today she had a MUCH closer call with one of our experienced fork drivers. I dont know the whole story on that one though.

    Im going to go to managment soon if I see this continue next shift as it is a major safety hazzard. I shouldnt have to move her stuff out of our way and recieve a look of disgust when I do so. I should also not have to remind her almost every shift to make sure she remains aware of us at all times. Its just like at a crosswalk. As a driver I am doing my best to be 100% aware of my surroundings and safety hazzards but you, as a pedestrian, shouldnt be stupid.

    sigh* /endrant
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
    Its just like at a crosswalk. As a driver I am doing my best to be 100% aware of my surroundings and safety hazards but you, as a pedestrian, shouldnt be stupid.

    This is an excellent quote! It is very true. A pedestrian should always be aware of large moving vehicles around them, no matter where they are, be it street or store. I would definitely report the lady and stress to your higher ups that her refusal to keep an eye out is not only dangerous for her but extrememly stressful for you.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


    • #3
      HASAWA 74 states something along the lines of "every worker is responsible for the safety of himself and colleagues" i.e. Cover your own @ss, don't expect others to do it for you.


      • #4
        To really get the higher ups attention, If she ever does get hit She'll most likely sue. Because it "was their fault for not stoping/seeing me/watching where they were going". Nothing like a potential lawsuit to motavate managment.
        Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
        The following is subject to change:
        If Your Going Through Hell,
        Keep Going...


        • #5
          Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
          Its just like at a crosswalk. As a driver I am doing my best to be 100% aware of my surroundings and safety hazzards but you, as a pedestrian, shouldnt be stupid.
          I completely agree. As a pedestrian, you may have the right-of-way, but the laws of gravity, momentum, and the like don't really give two $hits. You still can be struck by an object much larger than you, moving much faster than you, and it will still really effing hurt.

          And I do agree with the other posts here. Make sure you do mention it to management, as a concern for safety and for the fact that there could be serious repurcussions if she is struck, even if it is basically her fault.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

