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I Should Have Called in yesterday . . .

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  • I Should Have Called in yesterday . . .

    and told them I was dead.

    I need not start with telling how my Tuesday got started when I arrived and clocked in at 7:44 . . . three guesses, first two don't count.

    No DSD Girl in the backroom . . . typical. She wasn't near the front end either. That's all the hint I'm giving.

    Flash foward about half an hour . . . the grocery truck from HQ arrives (early at that. Our truck usually come between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.) and my HBC order has been pulled off the truck and is sitting in the foyer by the bathrooms waiting for Yours Truly to wave her magic wand and make it all go to the shelves.

    And too . . but anyways . . .

    Flash foward another 15 minutes approximately. It's 8:30 and the Tom's guy is keying in his delivery and credit tickets into the computer. He's got a small order coming in and one opened multi pack of toastcheese crackers going out. He saves the credit ticket into the computer and steps away so I can get to the desk and print the tickets.

    Everything went BLACK. We couldn't see our hands in front of our faces. The emergency lights did not come on . . . it's completely dark. Either someone hit a transformer, one of the construction crews working nearby has hit a cable or the Kitty didn't pay the light bill . . . but the power was out.

    Tom's Rep and I manage to find out way out of the backroom and out into the foyer, where the emergency lights were working (the emergency lights in the breakroom just before the doors going to the foyer were working too) and we found our way up front.

    The doors are already locked and the cashier was trying to get the last few customers out of the store quickly. Our registers only stay powered for 10 minutes at the most, then shut down when we have power failure. There is also NO backup generator for the computers or freezers . . . that'd make too much sense

    P. Diddy is on his cellphone (our store phones do not work during power outages either) trying to find out how long we'll be without power. He was given a time of 12 noon (but knowing Duke Power, it'll be pretty much when they get to it.) The traffic light is out at the intersection, nobody else in the shopping center has power, nor do either of the 2 convenience stores on 2 of the other corners.

    I get the Tom's guy checked in off the printout from his handheld and he goes to work up his section and he left a few minutes later. Then I go to the breakroom for a quick break before I grab my float out of the security room and start breaking down the pallets. I run a float of product to the floor and start stocking (the emergency lights are on in the grocery aisles, so I could see well enough to work.)

    Flash forward to 9:20 . . .the lights come back on. Yay . . . let there be light.

    Then the fun started . . . I was swamped by Little Joe (he got stranded at the HT store down the road, as they had lost power when we did) brining 2 pallets of beer (too bad they weren't cold) then no sooner did I get it all checked in(and have P. Diddy come to the back to enter his password to release the ticket for payment) and Joe took of with my float to run the beer to the floor, Brad pulled in the back with 3 pallets of Coke. Meanwhile, the Tom's guy had come back and we ended up having to void out the paperwork saved in the computer and re-enter it (his handheld had to have the ticket number, but b/c he didn't have it due to the outage he had to void it in the handheld.) So I'm waiting on him to re-enter the order after I deleted the earlier ticket while Brad came in and went out to the floor to find Joe . . .

    Then, let Joe and Brad outside so they can get their trucks moved . . . reprint the new tickets and sign them . . . let Brad and Joe back in . . .let Toms' guy out the door. . .wineman also commeth and has a small delivery . . . get that checked in and call up front again to have P. Diddy key in his password to release the wine ticket for electronic payment

    Carlton the Doorman . . at your service. Actually more like I'm at home and Grandmama wants out . . then back in . . . then out again.

    Then I'm paged to the phone . . . my favorite *cough*bullshit*cough* vendor has called and he'll be here in 10 minutes (10 minutes in our time is closer to an hour on his time.) Get the drinks checked in . . . let Brad back outside to get the empty crates and pallets

    Check the time . . . it's almost 11:30 and finally, at long last, guess who drags through the backdoor . . .

    If you guessed Greggie, you get a cookie

    He brings in yet another ton of product (he just came back from a short vacation. Guy who worked for him didn't half work anything and he lost almost $500 in sales. He won't use this one again needless to say) and he's got a reset on his section, so he's promised to come back in on Thursday to clear out the credits (there were some that DSD girl had found Monday but I couldn't find them ) and pick up anything that's not in the new set . . .

    I get him checked in . . . Joe returns my float, I lock it up in the security room and clock out for lunch . . . go 2/3 of my truck run out and stocked to the floor and clocked out at 4. Grabbed some fish from the frozen section and some canned veggies that I knew we were almost out of and got checked out. Got outside in the warm air

    Then it's hurry up and wait on Mom (I swear sometimes I could get home faster in a Conostoga wagon with a creaky wheel and pulled by 6 gray bays.) Finally she shows up around 4:15, then says we're out of milk!

    GRRRRRRRRRRR . . . why she did not call me earlier to tell me I don't know. I run back in, grab a gallon of milk, wait in line and get checked out and rush out the door again. I'm tired, my shoulders and arms are literally screaming in pain and all I want is to just get home, grab a glass of wine and collapse in my rocking chair.

    Then it's hamburger buns . . . by this time I'm ready to just pull my hair out and scream . . . we end up stopping at the Quick Stop, where I run in, grab a 12 pack of buns and pay for them and I'm back out the door.

    Finally, I made it home around 4:45 . . . I see the Brown Bomber parked by the driveway and my b/f occupying my rocking chair and having his ears talked off by my brother.

    At least his day was better than mine
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)