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"You can't fill out an injury form, you're TRAINING!"

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  • "You can't fill out an injury form, you're TRAINING!"

    Yes, that's what I was told last night.

    Where I work, any time you get hurt in any way (even if you slip in the parking lot or get a cut) you HAVE to immediately fill out an injury form. You HAVE to turn that form in IMMEDIATELY. If it's discovered that you didn't, you could be written up. Especially if what happened to you becomes something worse later on (a slight pulled muscle that turns into something worse for instance). We've been told that since day 1. People have ignored it before and gotten in big trouble.

    My knee blew out last night. I really don't know what happened. I call it a fluke, because nothing has happened since. I mean, I really don't know what happened. One second I was standing there, observing my trainee, and the next second, my left knee gave out and I ALMOST fell. I grabbed onto the table to stop the fall, picked myself back up, and my knee was back. I mean, I walked like normal. I did a couple small stretches and it didn't hurt. I really do not honestly know what happened. It was sudden and quick.

    I had to fill out a report. I told one of the room runners that I was going to fill one out and let my boss know. I was told "You can't fill out an injury form, you're TRAINING!"

    I said to hell with him and went and did it anyway. I am NOT about to get written up or in any type of trouble for not reporting an injury because some room runner cares more about product moving around the plant and is too damn lazy and selfish to watch my trainee for 5 minutes. My trainee was doing FINE without me besides.

    I'm getting so sick of this crap. I can't even go to the bathroom without being told "You're TRAINING, you CAN'T leave!", yet the second that hot product comes into the room, it's immediately thrown at me and I'm told "Training isn't your priority right now, this is HOT!".......make up your damn mind! (this has been going on since DipShit days).

    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    You probably need to go on to the doc's to document this. Sounds like he's gearing up to dick you over. If you have seriously hurt yourself (and you may not know this for some time, I know from experience that this is true), you will want workman's comp to pay for it.


    • #3
      Oh, I got everything taken care of. Filled out the paperwork, alerted my boss, and health and safety know as well. I am all ready to go in case I need medical care or my knee does it again. All my bases are covered.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        That happened to my ankle once. I was bowling; had just picked up my ball and was waiting for the person next to me to finish. All of a sudden my ankle gave out and I went down. Didn't hurt or anything. I got back up and it was fine. I have no idea what that was all about.

        Um, is there no one else who can help your trainee if he needs it for the few minutes you are gone? What would happen if you got caught in a machine and lost both hands and a foot? Would they let you go then?
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Of course not. I'd have to sit there watching my trainee while I sowed my hands back together.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Just curious. This happens a lot to my ankle. As in once every few days when it gets really bad. It doesnt hurt or anything but BAM cant use it, almost fall and then everything is ok again. Hasn't caused me any serious problems but this talk of injury reports and such is making me wonder if I should get it looked at sometime soon?
            Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


            • #7
              Well I've heard of brain farts, but never a knee fart. I'm glad that nothing is wrong and that you recovered immediately. You did the right thing in filling out the report despite you being "trained."

              Now if I could only recover from those brain farts as you do the knee farts.
              This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


              • #8
                Just a quick thought, but the sudden failure of leg joints people are reporting could be caused by 'locking' the knee joint while standing. Doing this for extended periods of time can inhibit blood flow in some people causing weakness, muscle spasms, or even brief blackouts. If you've seen people standing at attention for a long period collapse suddenly, this is usually the cause. You can prevent it by moving around a bit when standing if possible, or flexing the knees slightly if you can't move much.

                Not always the problem, though. See a doctor if you keep having sudden joint failure over a short period of time. You may have a more serious issue.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  I may have missed it, but is DipShit gone?
                  I know nothing and I can prove it!

