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The movie 300 is embarrassing, really.

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  • #16
    Quoth Banthor the Unruly View Post

    On a broader note it find it sad that we Americans have become so de-sensitized to violence that during a two hour movie it is the one scene that does not end with someone being killed in slow motion that we worry about children seeing.
    Oh dear. Let me prove your point.

    "Oh, he can get that Mature rated head explodey blood everywhere killing everything video game, as long as there's no sexuality in it!"

    How many times I hear that a day? At least once an hour.
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #17
      Once again we see life imitating South Park

      Nobody cared about Butters with the ninja star lodged in his eye. Instead they got all wound up over Cartman strutting around nude.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #18
        Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
        All I can remember of it that- apart from the blood- it was one of the most homoerotic films I have seen.
        Seriously- all those oiled muscle and leather shorts...
        Well, the Sacred Band of Thebes were an elite troop of 300 homosexual men (150 pairs of lovers) the idea being that they'd fight that much harder alongside their lovers.

        Although they were looked down upon by the spartans, they fought just as valiantly, fiercly and with as much Steadfastness as the Spartans at Thermopylae (Infact they beat a Spartan Army that was 3 times the size of them)

        When they were defeated by Phillip II of Macedon and the Theban army and its allies broke and fled, the Sacred Band, though surrounded and overwhelmed, refused to surrender and were all killed, to a man.

        Phillip II even spoke about them "Perish any man who suspects that these men either did or suffered anything unseemly"

        Eseentially showing more tolerance and respect for homosexuals than some people even today



        On a broader note it find it sad that we Americans have become so de-sensitized to violence that during a two hour movie it is the one scene that does not end with someone being killed in slow motion that we worry about children seeing.
        I find it sad that you Americans have too :P It's like "Anything is alright except for the natural human body"

        (Not trying to offend anyone with that statement)
        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


        • #19
          Homosexuality was widely accepted in Macedonia. Phillip II was known to take a gay lover as well.


          • #20
            Quoth Fashion Lad! View Post
            It was the Senior's idea. It was the first movie he had at his disposal when he was looking for something to demonstrate how the DVD controlls work on that particular laptop. The guy who was going to purchase it was a first-time computer owner.
            Suggestion to pass on to the senior: Get a couple DVDs of cheesy old TV series (they're cheap, and any TV series from the '70s or earlier had to meet some strict standards), mark the discs (DVD-safe pen, of course) "Demo disc for DVD players", and keep them in a known location. That way, you'll always have an inoffensive disc available. From your description of the couple, that scene in "300" could have easily sent them to another store.
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

