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Today was a day of FAIL - long

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  • Today was a day of FAIL - long

    Ok, not really. It was - with a few notable exceptions - a pretty good day. But these things just made it horrible. Could apply to management/coworkers/customers so I put it here.

    Quick background - I collect $$ from people who are at fault in car accidents with my company's customers and don't have car insurance. Or answer questions, or if they call saying "I have insurance!" get the info and send the file to the right department.

    handling reps = people who set up the claim and deal on a local level with the accident and people involved

    1) Last week, we had an email forwarded by my sup from my manager regarding making sure we check for claimant (ie, other person involved in an accident with our customer) insurance information. That things are slipping through and it's costing us time and money. I reply back "hey, if it could be made a point for the handling reps to notify us when they get that information and also not allowing it to be buried in the notes rather than put in the claimant in fo screen it would solve a lot of these issues."
    Response back - from manager forwarded to supervisor forwarded to me (just email me DIRECTLY, please) "It would be asking too much of them to expect them to do this. We just have to make sure to catch it when we get the file.

    Ummm, it could take all of 3 seconds to send an electronic message to the department handling the claim. The rep has already taken a minute or more to enter the info. But instead of asking them to follow through on it, it's my department's job to find the info (which rarely does it even exist if it is in my department so it's not like we know to look for it in each file) within 30 seconds of a phone call the first time we've seen a file? When they are paid more than us? And it is their JOB to make sure that the claim is set up with all of the important information where it needs to be? Oh, but we can't expect them to do that so instead of things getting where they should be in the process that day, it could take a month or more until we find the info they put in!

    2) Mom calls in, upset her pwecious baby boy is getting collection letters for a debt that he supposedly wasn't even driving the car. (Not according to the police report!) I inform her that because he is 18, I can't talk to her w/o her permission. She then states if any more letters are mailed to her house, she would break my "m-f'ing neck" (of course, the full words were used). I immediately let her know we do not take that language or threats and the call would be disconnected.
    I've been sworn at before - usually it's not personal, and I don't mind. If it's personal I let them know they have one warning and then the call is ended. But personal threats against me? That was a first.

    The file is now scheduled to be in a 3rd-party collection agency tomorrow. I was pissed I couldn't request his license be suspended (didn't fit the criteria for his state).

    3) Guy calls in, upset that he had set up arrangements w/a coworker for a balance of approx $500 and today he got the collection letter for $900. Says she lied to him. I told him it is clearly notated that the arrangements were for $900, I apologize, he must have misheard. He argues. I point out that if the amount due was just over $500, it wouldn't make sense to agree to 2 payments of $450 and change each, now would it? Of course, that has no effect.

    I inform him that if he wishes to change the arrangements on the FULL balance, he would need to talk to my coworker who was not in, but I could transfer him to her vm. He ends up saying I need to tell her to call him or he'll "beat the shit out of her" for lying to him. That call was ended. I sent her a message to call him tomorrow, but it is notated in the claim he made personal threats about her. She is one of the nicest, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly people I know. I was damned close to just sending him to collections at that point - didn't know if the threats would overrule policy since he wasn't late on payments yet.

    4) Very end of the night, right after those two calls, the night sup comes over to check on me and my coworker as there were only two of us for the last hour there (typically there would be 4-5 but we also didn't have the outgoing dialer on so it wasn't bad). I start to tell her about those two calls, as personal threats are rare so two in three calls is unheard of. I then get told I shouldn't have sent the guy in 3 over to my coworker. I should have changed the arrangement. We have very strict and in most months, nearly unattainable goals and the first payment on a claim for an arrangement we set up is the only one that counts towards our numbers. We've NEVER changed someone else's arrangement without their knowledge and consent unless it's a better deal.

    But we "shouldn't be transferring ANY calls within our department" - we should change anyone's arrangement if it is needed and anyone can change mine. Wait a second, we have a few well-established backstabbers - a few who have clearly stepped over the company's policies for claim payment ownership time and time again - and many other reps who don't do things correctly. Don't set the proper flags/followups/etc. They should not be ALLOWED to touch my money. Every claim can make you or break you. This one might be worth a trip to HR about if it becomes a big deal. We do work as a team, but we are responsible individually for our numbers each month. Can't have it both ways here. You really can't.

    I'm tired of my bottom-feeding entry-level job. I'm better than that. The higher-ups recognized it and told me such within months of my starting. But there are NO jobs available elsewhere in the company that I am qualified for! It's actually at unheard of low numbers what is posted on the job board. I can't take it here much longer. Love the company, but tired of being treated like shit for little pay, with no input into the best way to improve the process of the job I am doing, and held to unreasonable expectations and the ways to do the best I can to meet those goals are being taken away!

    We've recently had a management shake-up because of the new changes they've made in the past months - so now out of 2 supervisors and 1 manager, NONE of them have done the job I do. There are things I know more about that the 2 new ones. But yet they can set policies and change things and expect things out of us and don't care what we say when they've never sat in our seats to know how things really work?