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Calling off cause I need a break

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  • Calling off cause I need a break

    I got up at 5 this morning & the 1st thought in my head was "I need to call off". So that's what I did. Seldom do I ever call off for any reason. I could be the poster child for near perfect work attendance.
    I called off "sick" cause I felt rather blah. It's not an excuse for me to go to the malls or whatever cause I just want to stay home & recharge & relax.
    The job at Hersheypark is not what I expected. I was told when I had my interview that I'd be part of the crew that goes around picking up trash & stuff. BUT I was placed with the hose crew. Hosing the park everyday with heavy duty fireman's hose is a lot harder than it looks. You have to make damn sure you hold onto the hose or you'll get It's the kind of job that you feel as if you've been working out everyday.
    When I was told that I'd be making $7.15 an hour (minimum wage) I should have said "thanks, but no thanks". That's the lowest amount of money I've made in 20 years!
    Working 6 days a week with just 1 day off is getting old real quick. I wouldn't mind it as much if I were making $9.00 an hour, 5 days a week, 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 pm. The kind of work we do in the hose crew is the kind of job that demands that you be paid much more than minimum wage. So if wer're going to work like a horse then we need to compensated accordingly.
    The job is considered part time. 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. It'll increase to 5:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M once the park opens for the season. Someone mentioned excitedly that they can make a little over $600 every 2 weeks in the summer season BUT I made more than that in a week when I was working at my temp job!
    & yesterday evening I figured out that I made more in unemployment than what I'm making now! I'm like-->
    So I've been looking for a FULL TIME job. I have some good prospects. Till I find something better the job at the park remains.
    Wish me luck.

  • #2
    I always think something's wrong when you can make more on unemployment than you can by working. Good luck with finding something that'll suit you better. =)
    God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

    I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


    • #3
      I'm sorry to hear it's not working out for you, I was looking forward to Hersheypark stories this summer!

      Yeah, it's pretty much a rule that almost any job you have at an amusement park is going to be tough, exhausting, repetitive work. I wouldn't be able to handle operating a big ass hose, either. And I don't understand why they would assign someone to do it who doesn't posess the right kind of physical strength. I guess they are short on people or something?

      I know, the pay at parks is so crappy. $600 every two weeks? That sounds NICE, actually. Know what I made at another PA park just three years ago? $360 every two weeks! And that was full-time. However, I loved being at the park every day and it was worth it for me. I couldn't do it again, though.

      Hope you find something that makes you happier :-)

