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Sometimes it's too easy to forget about the really nice ones

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  • Sometimes it's too easy to forget about the really nice ones

    Something uplifting happened today at work I feel is worth mentioning, because it's so natural and common for us to focus on the really awful work experiences. Every job I've had up to this point, all of which have been low-level retail and/or customer service, has provided me with at least one "customer from hell" memory--and I'm positive most folks with similar job experience can relate. I won't go through each of these 'worst of the worst of the worst' interactions but suffice it to say these are the social events that can really ruin your day, for starters. Heck, even the more common 'worst of the worst' can be frustrating to say the least.

    I've also noticed the exact opposite, which I tend to forget. Call them "customers from heaven" but these are the people who just step outside the prescribed social boundaries of the customer-employee relationship and really shock your heart with their humanity. At least that's the way I experience it on rare occasion. In fact, what I'm about to describe may seem somewhat ridiculous in its simplicity.
    Presently I'm working at Target. Today I was in the cleaning supplies area when I was approached by an elderly lady looking for spot/stain-remover for fabric. I didn't know where it was off-hand so I began searching for it, which in this case took about the same amount of it time it takes most people to lose patience--but she did not. She could see I was doing the best I could the fastest I could and was just so kind and patient. Her behavior prompted me to devote my complete and undivided attention to finding the spot remover (at that moment I was being paged to answer the telephone), which she in turn must have noticed because when we found it she treated me almost as if I'd found her missing puppy. She thanked me, sincerely, and that was that.
    ^Sounds ridiculously mundane, doesn't it? Well it was; but dammit, I felt great after that! Many times in similar situations I'll be doing the best I can the fastest I can with the tools, training, and knowledge at my disposal -- and the person I'm trying to help somehow loses faith I'm really trying to help them. (I think I'm getting a bit better at that, with practice of course.)

    Anyways, can any of you out there relate to this? Do you ever run into customers who just make your day, or turn it around?

  • #2
    Check out our "Praising Customers and Colleagues" section. Lots of heartwarming tales in there.

    We like to complain a lot here, but for many of us (at least for me) retail is more good than bad. I like the vast majority of my customers, some have become good friends, and many of them can make me smile on a bad day.

    I wouldn't continue to work in retail if everyone was terrible.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Every job has days when you wonder why you ever picked this field.

      When I have a bad day, I ask myself if i REALLY want to go back to changing truck tires for the state DOT.
      If ultimately you let the people that fuck you over decide your attitude then they won.

