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From the time I was in retail...

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  • From the time I was in retail...

    Which wasn't to long ago actually. But nevermind that, onwards!

    The story is also from a while back when I had to deal with the mojor Health and Safety hazard that was our fixtures room. It's since been fixed up properly, but you'd have to see the mess it was in to beleive it. Anyway,

    And so I must share with you, a tale of epic proportions...sort of.

    Today, I was happily manning the front cashdesk at work in sunny, sunny Bathgate!

    Then, the most terrible, horrifying fate befell me.

    My Team Leader tasked me with a quest that only the most hardened of adventurers could possibly tangle with and come out alive.

    My Team Leader...was sending me to "The Pit"

    TL: I need you to go down to the fixtures room and get me two red DVD shelves.
    ME: You want me to go...down...there..?
    TL(understanding): Mhmm.

    So, I began preparing for my first foray into the beginnings of the pit.

    I made my way cautiously to the door, purposefully being stopped by as many customers as possible on my way there.

    Finally, I made it, at the back of the shop, in the right hand corner, there lies a door. A door that holds all kinds of untold evil. A place that has been likened to the 9th level of Hell. We call it *cue dramatic music* "The Pit".

    I carefully pushed open the door and a gust of cold, stale air hit my face. I shivered. I flicked the light switch. Nothing. It was gone. Damn.

    I look around for the flashlight, nothing was to be found. It had been lost to the depths, much like the other 16 or so flashlights that have bravely forged a path down those dreaded steps.

    I hastily make my way back to the warmth of the shop and collect the necessary items:

    1 Flashlight
    2 D size batteries and
    1 Medium sized Fleece

    Now that I am tooled up and ready go to, I make a much quicker journey to the entrance of "The Pit".

    I step inside and the door slams shut behind me, leaving me in darkness for a short time until I switch on my Flashlight. Shapes loom out from all around me: Loose wires, discarded shelves, shelf arms, wall brackets, large baskets barricading my way. My trip down the steps of eternal damnation was not an easy one. My nerves were already on edge, and when the boiler decided to let out a bestial roar, needless to say I jumped out of my skin.

    At the bottom of the steps, I looked around in the small clear space that was available to me. I noted the mount everest of discarded shelves, the small pathway, that can only hold one man abreast, that leads around this Mountain and behind the boiler into unknown areas where only the insane dwell.

    I avoided the Mountain at first and followed the pathway hoping to find what I was looking for and get out as quickly as possible. 2-Tier shelves loomed out at me and Tote boxes full of rusting pegs tried to block my path. I managed to work my way around these and come across a flash of red in my surroundings. Could it be!? I looked closer, and there, buried under some old, unused shelves was one red DVD shelf. I began moving thins out of the way as best I could, but with limited room it was a struggle. I finally manged to liberate the shelf from it's metallic prison and set about looking for the second. However, there was no hope in finding another at the bottom of the mountain.

    I would have to scale The Mountain.

    The climb was difficult, I fell many times and caught my foot more than once. But I persevered. I reached the summit and began removing large sections of the mountain and placing them elsewhere. I was a true joy to find the familiar flash of red in amongst all the grey. I had almost acquired everything I needed to complete my quest! I reached down for the shelf, when the terrible happened. one of the shelves I was standing on gave way and my leg was injured due to it. I waited for the pain to lessen and then reached down further and wrapped my hand around the shelf and pulled it free!

    I began my descent.

    The descent was much more difficult, with two red DVD shelves in my arms, but I made it. I began my way to the steps when the most horrible, terrifying thing yet happened.

    My flashlight went out.

    Trapped in the blackness I could feel the Daemons of the Boiler reach out to drag me down to my demise. I frantically dropped my quest items and began working on getting the flashlight working again. after many bashes against a wall and a flick of the switch, white shining light returned. The Daemons recoiled and I was safe. For now.

    I picked up my shelves and began the ascent to the shop floor. I contemplated what people must be hearing what with all the loud bangs from me trying to get to these shelves. However, it was likely thy never heard a thing. They're all ignorant gits.

    I made it, I excited "The Pit" and made my way gleefully back to my Team Leader at the front of the shop.

    ME: I have them! I have them!
    TL: Cool. I'll put these up and you watch the cashdesk.

    And so ends my tale.

    I hope you enjoyed.

  • #2
    That was a wonderful tale, until the end! Your reward clearly should have been to get to put the shelves up instead of dealing with customers!

    I totally would have refused to even consider entering The Pit. Then again, I am a girl, and can be a wuss all I want.

    Oh, and even though I am a relative newbie here, allow me to be the first to say:

    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Glad you made it out of "The Pit" alive...and well?
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglĂłid


      • #4
        *Clutches a fleece blanket and dog plushie*

        Oh my! The Pit sounds scary!

        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #5
          Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
          *Clutches a fleece blanket and dog plushie*

          Oh my! The Pit sounds scary!

          We had something like that when I worked at Staples. In the back of the warehouse by the bare piping, a huge lot of shelving units and random crap, paper towels, vacuum cleaners (some alive and some dead) lots of dvd racks and cd racks, pen racks all in this mish-mash of shapes and colors. Worse than the knots you get in Christmas lights.

          We called it The Elephant Graveyard


          • #6
            The Dungeon (my "office") at the game store was located next to such a place. Way back in the mists of time when I started there I had succeeded in attaining at least a general sort of organization, but it quickly fell to the wiles of the owner. Needed packing material was lost among ancient rotting slatwalls, broken shelves replete with splintery badness (why the hell are you even keeping that junk?! there is a dumpster out back yannow), broken-down shipping boxes that we would never use (who uses 4'x3' boxes for publisher returns?), bag stock that nobody could ever get to thanks to the above and other crap that I was certain was going to rise up and devour me one night.
            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


            • #7
              That was a great story. I'm glad you survived the perils of THE PIT.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Back in the bookstore days, our backroom was so bad that the manager broke down and let us spend a week working 24/7 (volunteers) to get everything shelved. I still have some photos kicking around somewhere, but MY storage room at home is just as bad, so those photos may never see the light of day again!

                eta: we volunteered to be paid to work, not just volunteered.
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #9
                  You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

                  (may need to google it)
                  Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!

