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Woo! Well, uh crap

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  • Woo! Well, uh crap

    So I mentioned here that our QC guy walked out on Tuesday, and I hired a new one.

    The new guy is set to start on Monday. The old QC guy comes in today to get his paycheck. He calls me on his way there asking if I can get it for him and bring it outside to him, he doesn't want to come in.

    Well, I can't find it. The owner (King Jackass this time) has hidden it. In other words, he wants to talk to OQC.

    OQC goes to talk to him, and is told to "suck it up and get your ass back here on Monday" and "Are you a man or a mouse" etc.

    OQC mentions that I've hired a replacement, to which King Jackass says "well he'll have to unhire him"

    OQC comes to tell me this, and is apologizing profusely. I tell him it's not that big a deal, I'd rather work with him than have to train someone, but I guess now I have a call to make.

    So I make the call. I have to tell this guy that I no longer have a job for him. I can tell the poor guy is heartbroken (he'd been unemployed for a while).

    Of course King Jackass comes to me later to tell me himself to "unhire the guy". He wasn't pleased I hired someone in the first place apparently. His brother, Duke of Idiot, was all for it.

    Oh well, I'm glad OQC is back, but I do feel bad for the other guy.

  • #2
    Let me get this straight. Guy quits(fires himself?) and you as a manager exercise your authority to hire a new person to fill the vacant position? Then Owner makes the guy who quit stay and you have to fire the new guy before he's even worked? Other than the savings in training where is the benefit of bringing back someone who has already left you in a lurch by quitting on short notice. I'd rather train a new guy who obviously wants the job than take back someone who apparently didn't.


    • #3
      You got it right.

      But there was no point in training the guy.

      Knowing King Jackass the way I do he would have made life living hell for the new guy till he quit.

      Plus he signs the paychecks so I'm going to listen to him.

      And really, he didn't leave me in a lurch. I'd been expecting this day for quite a while. And I expect it to happen again. But then again, I'm not King Jackass. Plus I like the guy and I hated seeing him leave.
      Last edited by draftermatt; 09-06-2008, 12:20 PM.

