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A long morning at the hospital..Not for weak stomachs...Youve been warned! Long

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  • A long morning at the hospital..Not for weak stomachs...Youve been warned! Long

    Im currently a nursing student..but I also go to school in the place that I work (if that makes sense), so I figured Id post here.

    Now, no one was sucky...but I just need to talk and know u guys like stories..

    I was in clinicals today, which basically means i work for free!!! Yay! But, really I have the responibilities of a nurse and an aide combined and Im there for 8 hrs.

    I have one Patient in this particular room. Patient A is a very nice lady, just had some major surgery, but is feeling better. I went into the room to take the IV out of her arm and did so, with my instructor staring glaring holes into my back the entire time.

    So, I finish this task and I go to wash my hand in the inroom Im drying I hear a small "help me"

    I look around and realize that Patient B (the roomate) is not on her side of the room and must be in the bathroom. So, being the good nursey that I am, I knock and slide the door open.."How can I help you?"



    Now I know Im going to be a nurse, and truly, I do have a strong stomach...but sometimes theres only so much a person can handle.

    There was a literal shit storm in the bathroom. The poor lady is CRYING her eyes out, shes stuck in a position between sitting and standing. She cant sit b/c the toilet is covered in soupy shit....and she cant stand b/c then her sweater will get shit on it.

    Apparenly, she hit the bathroom alarm button which is only visible from OUTSIDE the room so I didnt see it.

    My reaction was this:

    I tell her "Ma'am..give me sec. Im going to get some towels. dont move.!!"

    Shes still crying but obliges...I sprint down the hall (not sure why they dont keep towels in the damn rooms but anyway). I get to her and try to finagle my way around her in this tiny shit filled bathroom.

    I get to the toilet and at least wipe the seat off so she can sit. Seriously, and this has never happened to me before, but I started to retch and I couldnt stop. IT SMELLED LIKE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP..OMG!I was just praying that I didnt throw up.

    So, I get her to the point that she can at least sit down. And I exit the room to get the washclothes wet so we can wipe her down.

    At this point Patient A goes "I have to use the bathroom".....I wanted to laugh, but told her she would have to wait a bit since it was occupied. She tells me thats ok, but should her IV site be doing this? I look and, Ill be damned if her previous IV site wasnt fuckin gushing blood!


    So, I wash my hands really quick and run to the bloodbath, get gauze over it and am holding pressure when I hear Patient B screaming for me from the bathroom. From the angle Im standing, I can also see that she turned the bathroom alarm light back on...

    LOL..I wanted to laugh...really I did...b/c this was just too much. I finally get it to stop, tape the damn thing down and get back into the bathroom.

    Patient B had managed to shit aLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL over the toilet again. How? Im not sure...there should be no possible way for anyone to shit that much at one time.

    So, I have to leave to get more towels...left the alarm light on, hoping someone would notice and come to help, no such luck.

    So, I come back ....strip this lady down throw a new gown and adult brief on her and get her out of the bathroom and start to try and clean it, b/c remember patient A has to also go potty..

    OMG...there was shit: On the walls, in the fathest bathroom corner on the floor,all over the floor surrounding the toilet, underneath the outside of the toilet, ALL OVER EVERY EXPOSED TOP TOILET SURFACE..and I swear to you all, there was shit on the ceiling..

    (Golgotha, anyone? )

    So, really..I clean it up, it looks spotless, took me over 10 minutes, I throw all the shitty linens in a bag and THEN housekeeping shows up at the about irony...LOL. I just ask her to use some extra disinfectant..

    Patient A looks like she wants to laugh at me, but is too courteous too..but her husband isnt..and hes cracking a smile.. (good naturedly though)

    I walk down the hall, dragging the shitty linen bag...Im sweating bullets by now....tired, and hot.

    I walk and stand in front of some random fan they have in the hall to give my self a minute of rest and my instructor come up to me and says "What are you standing here for" slightly snarkish....

    *Anyone ever see the episode of Family Guy, where someone says something to Stewie, and he turns his head in the slowest most odd fuckin angle thats really not humanly possible?* I did that..she slowly backed away from me.

    And this was all before 11am.

    so, I finally get down stairs to the cafeteria about 1245 and guess that theyre serving.?




    I almost walked out.

    *I just want to say, Im not saying any one was sucky, it was just sucky for me that no one came to help me. I realize the day was slightly humourous...Ooh..and I got poop on my shoes..*
    Last edited by Amina516; 09-06-2008, 01:25 AM.

  • #2
    Oh my god.

    That's terrible. I was torn between: and and the entire time. Awesome story. Too bad it actually happened!
    I work at Walgreens.

    (I'm just tired of mentioning it every time I want to relate to a story. )


    • #3
      Holy moly. And I thought that time when I was a guerney pusher, and a patient projectile-vomited into my hair was bad!!! You must have a solid steel stomach, no way could I have handled what you had to clean up!
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Well, I can tell you that it will be a looooooooooooooooooooooong time before I'll be able to look at, smell or even eat chicken noodle soup.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Incidents like the above are the reason I'm going into Nuclear Medicine and not nursing. I have mad respect for nurses and the crap (pun inteded) they deal with so I don't have to. My parents are both nurses, so is one of my aunts, so I hear tons of stories.
          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


          • #6
            I'm not torn at all; I'm laughing my skinny ass off.

            Mostly at the Stewie head-turning thing.
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • #7
              Yes I agree, the turning of the head ever so slowly is AWESOME, Im glad you did it!

              now onto the sypmathy...


              • #8
                Thanks for the sympathy that moment, I needed My coworkers enjoyed my story and have been making fun of me ever since.

                Quoth jedimaster91 View Post
                Incidents like the above are the reason I'm going into Nuclear Medicine and not nursing. I have mad respect for nurses and the crap (pun inteded) they deal with so I don't have to. My parents are both nurses, so is one of my aunts, so I hear tons of stories.

                It took me a LONG time to finally just get up and go to nursing school. At my job now as a surgical technologist, i dont deal with poo so often. But I do love being elbow deep in other peoples intestines.. Im going to miss what I do when I graduate. Good luck with the Nuc Med.


                • #9
                  My mom had something like that happen to her at her job. Only in was in a busy Costco. And she got poop on MY pants, which she had borrowed without telling me.

                  My bestest friend totally does the the Stewie thing to me when she's tired or stressed out. She's so cute.
                  "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                  "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                  X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                  • #10

                    Well, this is for you. It's probably the other one you were thinking about though ("upside down face"), but I think this one is funnier.


                    • #11
                      Welcome to the wonderful world of nursing Amina!
                      I'm in my 19th year. (Psych, MSP, ICU, and now ER nursing). Most nurse's have been in your position....many times.

                      BTW......the unofficial official term for the patient in the bathroom is a Code Brown.

                      The other thing is, if you don't have a strong stomach in this will eventually.
                      Many times while pumping overdose patients stomachs in the ED (an almost nightly occurence), i've found myself trying to remember if I brought my dinner, or if I have to go to the cafeteria.........gross stuff just doesn't phaze you after a while.
                      Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.---Bullet Tooth Tony


                      • #12
                        God bless nurses. Not to be a downer, but both of my parents are dying very, very, very slowly of diabetes. My father has lost both legs and his kidneys failed this past week, so he had to be fitted out for dialysis. Next up is his heart catheterization.

                        We've had our share of bathroom emergencies, especially when he lost his first leg and was getting used to doing without it. I tried to get him up off the toilet once and ended up dropping him, and then had to get out of the way so the nurses could come in and do their thing.

                        I can't really express how grateful I am to the nurses, who get all the worst work. I do want to say how much I appreciate it when a nurse views a situation the way the OP did. These people -- usually -- don't do this on purpose. Usually, they're humiliated beyond words, and they're just as thankful as I am that there are people out there willing to do this job and do it professionally, and still let these people keep at least some of their dignity.

                        Thank you, Amina516.
                        Drive it like it's a county car.


                        • #13
                          Wow. I mean. Just wow.

                          Until recently, my educational goal was to go on in school to study Psychiatry. Well, I talked to a Psychiatrist who gave me some good advice. He didn't want to discourage me from going to medical school, but he said I may want to consider other options as well...if anything, because medical school is REALLY expensive.

                          I started considering nursing.

                          I guess I will just have to add this to my "con" list of being a nurse. 1st thing on "pro" list - being a nurse will allow me to help people. 1st thing on "con" list - I may have to clean up shit storms.

                          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                          • #14
                            Uncle Jampuff~~ LOL at ur mom wearing ur pants. Did she at least tell you before you put them on again?

                            Lacrymose~ It was the other one I was thinking of, but thats just as funny.

                            Haunted HeadNC~Thank you. I know what a terrible disease diabetes is first-hand also. Nursing holds the key to making so many peoples lives better. I want to help.

                            MrYuck~Til then, I thought I had a stomach of steel...guess not..

                            FriendofJimmyk~Come to the dark side. Its worth it.

                            I go back to the hospital tomorrow and Friday...Hopefully there are no storms in this weeks forecast...

