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The Game Section

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  • The Game Section

    So I work at Blockbuster, which deals primarily in renting Movies. But we also have a video game section... It's quite honestly badly managed, stocked, and all around is handled poorly. From what I've heard Blockbuster intends to increase it's attention to gaming and make a larger game section. I think this is a mistake, cause they will be TROMPED by Gamestops and Best Buy's.

    See when I had my interview, my Boss had mentioned that since I was heavily into Video Games I could be the store's Game Guy (not joking THAT'S the title.) When I heard this I thought it simply meant the game expert, the guy who KNOWS about the games, boy was I wrong.

    The position turns out, simply means that the entire game section is my responsibility. Stocking, fixing, checking numbers, all my job. It sucks because the section is handled so badly that the job is just shit.

    Now, while I did have responsibility over the section, I had no actual control. I had made several suggestions to make it easier to handle. Such as using demo boxes and place holder cards, one demo per live game, unlike the way its done now, one demo as a place holder, and one 'deadbox' per live game. This leads to the demo box being brought up to us when there's no dead box for it...Or even IF there was a dead box.

    I've also suggested getting proper shelves for the unused demo boxes, which are just stuck in a large cardboard box, making it difficult to find them if a game that was sold out of our inventory and Demo box taken off the shelf comes back, or if a demo box just goes missing and we need a replacement. I have offered to buy the shelves myself, but this is not allowed.

    But the main problem...comes from kids. I have literally spent two hours doing nothing but rearranging and reorganizing the entire video game section till it was immaculate, only to come back to it 20 minutes completely obliterated. It was so demoralizing to put that much effort into something, only to have it ruined so shortly after.

    I never enjoyed the position, it gave me more responsibility, more work, and no reward. I wasn't paid more, and with the section being ruined constantly there was no sense of accomplishment since it always needed to be redone. After a few months of it I passed the position off to someone else, I didn't trick her, she specifically asked me if she could do it.

    It is still the worst section (aside from Family) to work on.
    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

  • #2
    Quoth Will-Mun View Post
    But the main problem...comes from kids. I have literally spent two hours doing nothing but rearranging and reorganizing the entire video game section till it was immaculate, only to come back to it 20 minutes completely obliterated. It was so demoralizing to put that much effort into something, only to have it ruined so shortly after.
    Now imagine you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 24K square feet of that to manage with 6 people total and at most two of them working at a time. Do that plus keep a warehouse organized by genre, release date, and whether or not it is back stock, and manage the almost 1000 piece drop shipment you get every week day, the double shipments on Wednesday and Friday, an ad set on Sunday, new release ad set on Tuesday, a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of gaming consoles alone, and the accessories to go along with them.

    That is just the stock issues. Add on to that keeping all of those 6 employees up to date on training and certification, make their schedules, work with them as best you can for family, school, and personal matters in that schedule making.

    Make budget and not only make budget but comp up (revenue (sales) I am doing this year compared to last year) 56% for the fiscal year. Also, margin, be profitable for the first time in 3 years.

    Don't forget MP3 players; you have to stock, sale, and train around those as well. I'm comping up 18% there.

    Do all of this as well as about 20 hours worth of paperwork a week, community relations with local Boys and Girls Clubs, the Adult Literacy center, and local head start programs. Spend a day or two a week on the road fostering big business deals in areas not even part of your department to help out the store (GPS and Computers), and not go crazy.

    When I took the position two quarters ago, 6 months, the department was down 25 grand. It is up 165 grand now.

    Oh, and we just had inventory and my department had the least amount of discrepancies even though we have 75% of the stores inventory.

    I still manage to take hour lunches so that I can see my favorite bartender 3-4 times a week.
    Last edited by Big-box-retail-blues; 09-10-2008, 04:09 AM.

