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Romantic interludes

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  • Romantic interludes

    When i worked security every weekend I wound up having at least 1 or 2 couples trying to hide (or not hide) on the properties to get jiggy with it. And whats wierd is these where construction sites and factory parking lots and such I'm talking about. Why go there when there was a very large public state park/lake just 20 minutes up the road?

    A few instances really stand out in my mind.

    One I was third shift saturday night. I somehow missed it when this car had parked at the extreme far back area of the parking lot. Its at the far limits of the buildings cameras but I can just see movement inside at max zoom and it looked like interesting movement.

    So I lock down the doors and alarms, go out and jump in the car and slide back there all nice and stealth mode with the lights out. As soon as my bumper is almost touching theirs I kick all the lights on. Rotators, takedowns, spot and full highbeam headlights. I swear I did not think you could get from the backseat to the front in a honda civic that fast while pulling your pants up. Turns out it was a couple of teens looking for some privacy. Advised the young gentleman that a wharehouse parking lot is not exactly a very romantic place and to try out by the lake. Moonlight , waves, breeze rustling in the trees much better environment.

    The second one was third shift, on a Friday I think it was. The factory had a full shift going on and all so it wasn't a weekend. Just past midnight I'm watching the cameras when this pickup comes rolling in and parks back by the docks between two of the semi trailers. Unfortunately the trailers where blocking the cameras. So I went back and looked out the loading dock windows. Saw the couple in the back bed of the pickup going to town. I think pages 45-65 of the khama sutra inclusive.I take a few notes then go call local LEO patrol to deal with them as they where having a quiet night for a change.

    The last one is burned in my memory forever as it was the wierdest wildest and best thing that ever happened in the entire time I worked security. Third shift, again. I'm at the county airport. I'm driving along shining the spot on things as is my job when I spotlight two nice young attractive and totally naked ladies walking hand in hand across the field between the nearby apartment buildings and the airport. I drive over there after hitting the lights and ask whats up. They tell me they are just out for a walk to get some air because it was such a nice night out. I ask why sans clothing. And they both said they like the feel of the air on their skins. I forget exactly what I said next but it turned out they where both lesbians and didnt swing my way. I do remember escorting them back to the fence so I could find the hole they had used to crawl onto the airport property through. I didnt even bother to file a report on that one as I didnt think I would have been believed. Even to this day I'm not sure I believe myself that that happened. Sounds too much like something out of a penthouse forum or something.

    But seriously what about a construction site is it that gets people's mojo going? Or a factory parking lot? Anyone else ever have something like this happen. I mean catching someone getting romantic outside the usual areas?

  • #2
    How about the parking lot of a busy movie theatre? You would believe the number of people that get caught either by customers or our rent-a-slop, I mean, security officer. Also, in the theatre itself, and in the washroom.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Quoth Rahmota View Post
      But seriously what about a construction site is it that gets people's mojo going? Or a factory parking lot? Anyone else ever have something like this happen. I mean catching someone getting romantic outside the usual areas?
      When you live with your parents, a teens gotta do what a teens gotta do...

      While my co-workers and I haven't had the pleasure (?) of finding anyone in a compromising position, an old co-worker had to deal with the after-effects.

      I think I've told this story before. He was the manager of a large store, and apparently, this store was like 90210 all over again. Everyone was sleeping with everyone (except for him-he was with his ex-wife at the time. He wishes he had slept around, just to piss her off.) Anyway, he and another co-worker were cleaning up the warehouse, when they discovered an unrolled sleeping bag and a used condom . My friend quit soon after.

      Oh! I just remembered!

      This happened when I was in high school, working at an A&W. Somebody decided to pick the most unromantic place to get down and/or funky-the employees parking spot, right by the dumpster, right by the Super 8, and about 50 feet from a major road and the train tracks.

      None on us wanted to break up this romantic pairing for several reasons:
      1) What if it was somebody we knew?
      2) If the truck was a-rockin', we shouldn't bother knockin'.
      3) What if the people started to get belligerent with us for killing the mood?
      4) If this is where they get their groove on, they probably aren't the cleanest people in the world...
      5) What is you saw dangy bits? That would be gross!!
      6) If we ignore it, they will go away...
      7) We all suddenly found ways to avoid taking out the garbage...
      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


      • #4
        Quoth Rahmota View Post
        Saw the couple in the back bed of the pickup going to town. I think pages 45-65 of the khama sutra inclusive.I take a few notes then...
        "Notes", as in: blotter reports, or a summary of pages 45-65 inclusive?


        • #5
          I've caught a few people going at it at the arena. I posted about the guy enjoying dinner with his wife while driving, and then there have been the people who are just plain dumb enough to go at it in direct view of us parking people. The lesbian couple, I'd be having a hard time believing that myself but that is just wierd.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            Gurndigarn: More likfe some field notes. Sort of like birdwatchers do.

            ihatethenba68 said:The lesbian couple, I'd be having a hard time believing that myself but that is just wierd.
            Yeah I know they are directly one of the reasons I carry a camera with me wherever I go now.

            Broomjockey wrote: by customers or our rent-a-slop, I mean, security officer
            Hey I resemble that remark . Actually not, but I know what you mean and have seen and worked with quite a few folks like that. Fortuantely our company had armed and unarmed officers so if you wanted to be an armed officer you had to stay at a higher set of standards than the unarmed ones. so most of the fifes and wannabes where left in the unarmed areas. I was an armed sargent though.


            • #7
              There was a rumor going around the store that an employee was getting his freak on with some girl in the locked electronics stockroom.

              Pretty dumb if you ask me, there's at least one camera in there. But there are always blind spots.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                There was a rumor at the supermarket about our laziest cashier getting it on with the truck drivers who delivered to our store. I don't know if there was any truth to that or not, you know how rumors go. But she did have a nickname that people called her behind her back. It was two words: First word was "Trucker", and the second word... well, let's just say it rhymed with the first word, and leave it at that.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  oh how about at 3:30 P.M. ( full summer daylight) in a parking garage.

                  or the ex- coworkers who would bring in the gf on night shift and attempt to breed in the booth. Not a large area, like 4ft x 7ft with a tiny restroom attached
                  Still missing you, Plaid


                  • #10
                    I've heard rumors of people getting it on in the weekend employee parking lot, the unofficial parking lot where employees AREN'T supposed to park--EVER--but it's not enforced very often, some of the trucks, one of the back rooms, both of the upstairs storage rooms, and a couple of other spots. No cameras. Too bad, I'm sure the LP would LOVE amateur porn.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      So today I was heading out to the detergent aisle with a huge cart full of detergent (on sale 3 for $9.99 so it was selling like hotcakes). When I got to the detergent aisle I was greeted by a couple, taking up almost the entire aisle, hands going everywhere and basically trying to eat each other's faces, that's how hard they were tongue-kissing.

                      Meanwhile I just stood there with kind of an annoyed look on my face waiting for them to peel themselves apart and go on their merry way.

                      And they weren't very attractive either. It's been my experience that whenever there's a flagrant PDA going on, it's always fairly disgusting people engaging in it. And I got to see that right before my lunch break.

                      Maybe I'm a little weird, but when me and my lady friend feel like sucking face and headlining Grope-a-Palooza, we don't head to our local mass-merchandise department store to do it.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Waaay back in the day, I used to work at a certain Canadian doughnut store. Specifically, I worked drive through. One fine afternoon it was rather slow out, so we decided to amuse ourselves by throwing timbits (little round bits of dough) to the seagulls that hung around our parking lot.
                        Now, said parking lot is prettly open, and right next to a major highway. It was about 2 in the afternoon and a lovely sunny day. Which makes it all the more inexplicable as to why a couple (mid twenties, I think) had decided to have sex right there in their Jeep. In it? Well, sort of on it...The woman was kind of hanging by her butt off the driver's seat with one of her legs thrown over the door. Her suitor was using the door as balance, and had his pants pulled down under his butt, giving us a lovely full moon.
                        They were too far away for us to hit with timbits, but we tried. They finished up quick anyhow. I guess sarcastic heckling from teenage doughnut monkeys is not exactly the most romantic thing in the world.


                        • #13
                          Shortly after I moved into my house, I heard stories about one of the neighbor's kids, um, "getting it on" with her bf in the thicket of pine trees at the corner of my yard. Now, I don't know about you, but wouldn't that be a bit prickly and sticky? I mean from the pine needles and tree sap, you pervs
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            Quoth protege View Post
                            I mean from the pine needles and tree sap, you pervs
                            Yeah, but you could never look at a car air freshener again without smiling...
                            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                            • #15
                              I've never been unfortunate enough (thank goodness) to catch someone, but I do remember stories of horny kids in the act.

                              In the men's restroom at Wal-Mart. The floor of the men's restroom.
                              The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

