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  • I am evil...

    Yesterday, we had a customer who was holding a can of expansion foam.

    I don't know what happened, but the can exploded in his hand. (I have a very strong suspicion that he was holding some sharp metal brackets and they punctured the can.)

    I didn't see the customer, but the look on the manager's face was enough. This guy is normally really calm and takes things in stride.

    He kept saying. "I have never seen anything like this. He is covered...COVERED...from the top of his head right to the toes of his boots...he is COVERED in foam."

    I grabbed the camera to get a picture of the mess just in case it was due to a defective can.
    The customer had left by that point, because he had to go home and change.

    They had to block the aisle off all afternoon and wait for it to cure so they could scrape it off.
    For 4 feet in both directions of the aisle it was nothing but foam. You could see a little mound with the shape of his feet in the center where it had pooled around his boots and he stepped out of it.

    There was foam sprayed all over the stock on both sides of the aisle right up to the top shelf about 8 feet high.

    One of the young guys in the back is a bit of an annoyance, but I can't help but like him, so I tease him a bit.

    He's a whiner and a hypochondriac.

    He had been helping to clean it up, but then he asked, "Is this stuff toxic?"

    I said, "Just a sec...I have the Safety Data sheet right here."
    I pretended to read down when all of a sudden, I put this really frightened look on my face and asked, "Umm...have you started to grow a horn out of the back of your head yet?"

    The kid's hand shot up to the back of his neck.

    I lost it. I just started laughing.

    My boss had been standing there, and I thought he was going to pee his pants.

    He was going around then, telling everyone about the joke Ree made in the back.

    Sometimes, it's just too easy.

    On a side note, though, it doesn't appear that the guy is going to demand reimbursement for his ruined clothes, so I think he knew he caused the explosion.
    I checked the can and there is a crescent shaped hole in the side with the metal pushing in. I would think if it was a weak spot exploding, that the metal would be pushed outwards.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    You're so mean! Next I'll bet you tell that poor boy that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary...
    "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


    • #3
      It's not??

      *Ree runs to look it up*
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        wow...ree.......ur so mean.........


        • #5
          I heartily approve! Brilliant, Ree

          And I think you're right - if the can was defective, the hole would have bits sticking out, not in.
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            Foamenting Rebellion

            Evil? I think not. You were merely basking in the glow of cosmic justice.
            "It's not me that you hate; it's those nasty truths I serve up. Hey, man, I'm just honesty's vessel!" --Me


            • #7
              Well Ree, I think we know why you and I are friends

              Side story:
              My nephew was visiting this weekend. I had to have a little chat with him. Apparently since his last visit he's been telling his teachers etc. how his Aunt is Pure Evil™
              For whatever reason the school called home.

              So I explained to the young lad that in order to be truly evil one must not appear to be evil, let alone announce it to people. He seemed to understand. As my family and I were going for dinner, the little guy motions for me to lean down so he can tell me something. I comply and he whispers in my ear "Aunt, you're Pure Evil™". His eyes shone with pride.

              I motioned for him to "shhh". I reminded him gently that the first rule of being evil, is to not talk about it.
              "But" he says "that's why I said it quietly".

              He's seven.
              I'm very proud.
              "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

              a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


              • #8

                Chip off the block?
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #9
                  Quoth Ree View Post
                  You could see a little mound with the shape of his feet in the center where it had pooled around his boots and he stepped out of it.
                  That bit nearly caused a rule one violation. Perfect mental imagery.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Ree View Post

                    He had been helping to clean it up, but then he asked, "Is this stuff toxic?"

                    I said, "Just a sec...I have the Safety Data sheet right here."
                    I pretended to read down when all of a sudden, I put this really frightened look on my face and asked, "Umm...have you started to grow a horn out of the back of your head yet?"

                    The kid's hand shot up to the back of his neck.
                    "No? Then you're one of the five percent. Gimme a hand here."
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      That right there is just one of the reasons I love Ree so much! Well, that and her potty mouth!
                      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                      • #12
                        The exploding foam filler sounded awesome

                        Must add that to my list of "Things I'd love to see happen (to other people)"
                        Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                        • #13
                          I imagine the look on his face was very similar to the one my friend had when I played a joke on her.

                          I was out at a karaoke show with her and a few of my other friends, and she was a bit hammered. At the end of the night, she told me she was finished with a DVD I had loaned her, and if I wanted to follow her back to her house, she'd give it back to me. (Yeah, I know she shouldn't have been driving like that, but it's in the past now.)

                          We went in, she gave me the movie back, I gave her a hug, and I left. The next day, we were all out at the bar again, and she's freaking out because she can't find my movie.

                          "I am so sorry! I lost your DVD! I was done with it and I wanted to give it back to you, but I can't find it!"

                          "Uh... you gave it back to me last night. Don't you remember?"

                          "Oh, no. I was so drunk I can't remember much of anything."

                          "Yeah, you told me if I wanted to follow you back home, you'd give it back to me. So I did."

                          "Oh, OK."

                          "Oh by the way, you said I was really good!"

                          She just chuckled a bit, but I looked right at her, looking perfectly serious, and then she got a truly horrified look on her face, before I told her I was just kidding, and the only thing that had happened was that she gave my movie back, and that I left immediately afterwards.

                          I may be evil, but I just can't help it. I love messing with people's heads sometimes.
                          Sometimes life is altered.
                          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                          Uneasy with confrontation.
                          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                          • #14
                            Ree, the mental imagery of this poor guy standing at the epicenter of all this made me laugh out loud.


                            • #15
                              I wish I had seen him. That probably would have made my whole year.

                              As I said, the manager's reaction said it all.

                              He just kept repeating, "Covered in it....COVERED..." over and over.

                              I've been off sick for 2 days, so I have no idea if the guy came back while I was off.

                              As of Tuesday evening, we hadn't heard a word from him.
                              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

