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A good, swift kick in the butt

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  • A good, swift kick in the butt

    When I started working at the place where I work now, things were great. The atmosphere was very easygoing. I was making good money - matter of fact, I only worked half the day. If there was a lot of work, I could take an assignment home and work on it there.

    In the years I've been there, things have changed. I only recently got a higher price for the work I do, despite the drastic increase in the cost of living. The company has started to demand that we do a certain task for which we aren't paid, and takes up time we could be using to get the work done on time. We aren't paid extra for rush jobs or for work we do at home or on weekends. It seems like every day, we get more news about something we are expected to do that is advantageous for the company, but not for us.

    As it stands now, the company gets quality work from us, at the same rate regardless of the time it takes to do the job, a long period in which to pay us, and the ability to retract payment if the customer complains.

    We get:
    Office space, equipment, Internet connection
    A long payment period, during which we have to hound them for payment
    No bonuses for anything
    Demands to do unpaid work
    Requests for unpaid training during our time outside the office
    Constant excuses from the company for not paying us on time

    ... and more.

    What really did it was that today, I got yet ANOTHER request for this unpaid work, with the threat that if I didn't do it, I would get the same rate as I used to get; the rate that was only raised recently.

    So I thought, that's it. That's the kick in the butt that I needed. FUCK them. Fuck them sideways. Fuck them running. Fuck them with a chainsaw in the middle of winter in the Arctic, near an angry polar bear.

    I really needed this, because I've done nothing for far too long. I'm tired of the work, I'm tired of the company; this is a job, NOT a career. And they're going to take advantage of me as long as I let them. A friend of mine, also a freelancer, won't do any work for them at all, due to their lackadaisical approach to payment.

    So I sent off an email to someone who works in a field where I want to work, expressing my enthusiasm to work in said field. I know I'm a bit vague about all this, but I don't want it biting me in the ass. Kicking it, yes, but not biting it.

    So, wish me luck, everyone! It's time for me to earn the money I was meant to earn, doing work I love to do!

  • #2
    Good luck.

    And this is one case where I would definitely burn my bridges behind me!


    • #3
      Sounds like they need a good, swift kick in the rear themselves! Hopefully you do get that new job you want. *thinks good thoughts*
      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
      ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


      • #4
        The company most certainly needs several good swift kicks in the butt. By an entity wearing steel-spiked stompin' boots. However, I doubt that this will happen; I think that things will have to go into a serious downward spiral for the management to realize that they've been mismanaging the company. Or maybe the owner will actually realize that he's been hiring the wrong people.

        It's time for me to move on, do what I love to do, and earn money hand over fist. Yes.


        • #5
          And it continues...

          The company hired someone whose job is, in my opinion, completely and utterly unnecessary. This position is what I think of as a "whine-to" job. If someone has a problem with one of us, they whine to her. Then she lectures us.

          Now, I do realize that she's just obeying the orders of whoever her superior is. At least, I hope that's what she's doing. Otherwise, she really is a tightass who takes herself far too seriously.

          Today, I was discussing a job with someone, and lo and behold, this person pulled a whine. Thus, I received an email about how we should be more organized, we should do this and that (all kinds of time-wasting shit), and could she hear from both of us on this issue?

          She doesn't know just how much I'd LOVE to tell her exactly what I think, in great detail, adding the fact that as far as I'm concerned, she is basically useless in this job, because all she does is waste our time while not resolving any issues.

          I won't, though. I'm still looking for a REAL place to work, where I can have a CAREER, dammit, not a grunt job. It seems to me that with all this motivation to leave - motivation that is increasing daily - I should be getting an offer of work in an area where I want to work.

          It hasn't happened yet.

