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complaint then asks for a job O_0

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  • complaint then asks for a job O_0

    This happened back in July and we still laugh about it today
    ( this is here as it's related to work but not a customer)
    LADY comes in looking harassed
    LADY - Have my photos come back today? It's taking ages and I really can't keep walking all the way down here everyday like this
    ME - what name were they ordered under please?
    LADY - It really is unreasonable to make me walk down here twice a week to check for my photos, why aren't they in?
    ME - I haven't said they're not in I've asked for the name you ordered them under so I can check
    LADY -oh....well it's _____

    ( checks file and it says the film was ordered 2 days ago. The photo service is a 6 day service which is fully explained when they put it in)

    ME - It says here you placed your order 2 days ago
    LADY - yes I did
    ME - The service takes 6 days as we have to post them to the lab they won't be back for another 4 days
    LADY - ....oh..but i really can't take walking all the way down here to keep checking like this ,it's too far for me to come so often
    ME - ok, I'll take your phone number and I'll call you when they come in
    LADY - that would be wonderful, thank you. I just can't take the walk so often.

    she turns to leave then stops and comes bacl

    LADY - Also I wanted to ask about the job poster in the window, what's the hours and rate of pay?

    At this point I hear from behind me in the dispensary the muffled sound of laughing which is bound to be my manager (the customer can't see or hear that)

    I managed to fob her off with an application form then join in the laughing once she left.

    She moans about having to walk all the way down to our store (a 5 mintue walk from her house, a co worker lives in the same road) yet she wants a job where she'd have to walk everyday ?_? ?_?
    And why would we employ someone who complains like that ?

  • #2
    Reminds me of a guy who dropped off a resume at my store, then commented "I better get going, I'm LATE for work."

    Yeah, that'll get you hired fast...


    • #3
      Quoth dizzy_starshine View Post
      At this point I hear from behind me in the dispensary the muffled sound of laughing which is bound to be my manager (the customer can't see or hear that)
      I like your manager!
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Back in the days when I managed a gas station, I had a lady like that. She yelled at me for a good five minutes or so about our no check policy. (She didn't have gas in her tank. She just wanted some cigarettes.) A few weeks later, someone moved on to bigger and better things, and we put up a help wanted sign. This lady came in every day for a week, and asked if I was going to hire her. I finally told her why I wasn't, and she stormed out. She never came back.


        • #5
          I mentioned this lady at work today and my manager reminded me of another weirdo that applied. She filled out the application form AND the HR part on the back where you put the sucessfull persons staff number, bank details and all that. She even gave herself a staff number >_< lol

