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I'm about to be fired.

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  • #46
    In this economy, Im advising that you tough it out until you are fired. By the sounds of things you arn't the only one who is unhappy with things.

    One thing I would advise you to do is start documenting dates and times of issues you are having. You should have been given a photocopy of your write up, if you havent ASK for one and make sure you include a written responce as to why you DISAGREE with this write up (give the a signed copy of that). Also ring the labour board and document that you have called and asked about what to do about working in a hostile work environment.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #47
      It probably is a good idea to quit when the very thought of going in to work tommorow makes me want to spew vomit. Who knows what bullshit I'll have to face tommorow, or whether or not I'll even still have a job at the end of the day. I'm still infuriated by this whole thing. I'm just totally unable to let it go. I'm supposed to try to be "friendlier" to customers now, but this whole thing just makes me hate my customers. I know it's not right to lump them all together, but I'm just jaded now.


      • #48
        Aw hon, my heart goes out to you *hugs!*

        For what it's worth, here's my thoughts:
        Quitting will sure sound great, but really try to stick with it as long as you can stand. It's usually hard enough to get a job when you're unemployed and it can only be worse than usual these days.
        Nonetheless, if you need to get out, then do it and never look back.

        I used to have the same sort of problems with talking to people. Sadly the main way I improved was just practice and exposure.
        See if you can get any tricks to help you talk to people though. I still have trouble with 'chitchat', so I pretend they're someone I already know and just talk to them like that (minus the swears hehe). See if that helps any, or maybe there's some other tricks else you can think up yourself.

        Finally, and this may sound rude but whatever, screw them :P lol
        Seriously, give this the amount of thought it deserves, and then find something else to occupy your mind at home. Put it out of your pretty head. At the least, work will be a lot easier to face when you haven't spent the previous night giving yourself a stress headache over it!


        • #49
          I am able to look people in the eye now (not totally comfortably, but still..), but I don't think the whole smiling thing is going to happen. Most of the time when I'm at work my back and feet are killing me. And for my face to look like it has anything near a smile on it, I'd have to make a huge effort. And that's just not going to happen. What feels like a huge, idiotic grin on my face actually looks like a weak smile. So it's not really something that I can be conscious about all the time. I just want to relax my face and be myself like everyone else, and hope nobody else takes issue with it.

          Today was pretty uneventful. I had some people thank me very warmly and genuinelly when I went out of my way to help them. I'm actually a very kind, patient, helpful person at work. If more people would just look past my shyness they might actually notice that. Unfortunately the people who take notice, and are impressed with me and thank me for all my help never voice their feelings to the supervisors. Only the people who have their panties in a knot becasue I'm not chatty enough, or don't look happy to them.


          • #50
            Quoth bainsidhe View Post
            The situation sucks, I'll certainly grant you that. So what are you doing about it? And I don't mean that to sound snotty, I mean that now is a good time to take care of you. It's clear your workplace is setting you up for fail, so it leaves you with the option of "playing nice", sucking up and just hoping for the best...or to actively start preparing yourself for other work. Polish up that 'ol resume and start applying/searching at surrounding jobs and businesses. Awful as this situation is, taking steps now will put you in a better mindset and prepare you to take care of yourself should (when?) something happens.
            Bainsidhe's right about that. Start networking and looking for a new job or even something freelance--sign on with temp agencies. It won't be easy, but can it really be much worse than this situation?
            I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

            Who is John Galt?
            -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

