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Delayed flight

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  • Delayed flight

    I was coming back from a night-stop when our flight was delayed for 3 hours We were expecting the passengers to be fuming.

    Much to my surprise most of the pasengers were lovely, chatty and friendly, only a couple were angry about the delay. As a crew, we made sure that we emptied the bars and plied them with many drinks Most of the crew are pretty pissed off at the airline for various things so we like to give away as much as possible, this also makes our passengers happy to have drinks to take home with them

    We then landed at a different terminal at past midnight. This of course caused numerous complaints. In training we are taught how to win customers round yada yada yada. You know what? I know longer bother. I am sick of apologising so I agree with the pissed off passengers. "Yep I agree, this is a very poorly handled situation, I would be angry too. Here, have a feedback form." The passenger usually expects me to fawn at them and say how brilliant the airline is and it stops them in their tracks when I agree with them how crap it is.
    No longer a flight atttendant!

  • #2
    Well good for you. I hate being expected to defend a business when they provide shitty customer service. If more people were like you, more customer's complaints would be heard, and maybe, just maybe, that might actually make a positive difference.
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


    • #3
      I think that it's pointless trying to argue with someone who is pissed off. And I agree with them that the airline is a bit crap cos it is I have no loyalty to them! The treat their staff poorly so what hope do the customers have?

      Also it stops me being yelled at by angry passengers. I don't get why people feel the need to have a go at the crew though. Hmmm, yelling at me is really going to help them.
      No longer a flight atttendant!


      • #4
        I personally think its better customer service to admit that something has been messed up than to try and fob people off.
        I bet its very refreshing for the customers to hear you agree with them.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

