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Tales from the first week of bag-freedom

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  • Tales from the first week of bag-freedom

    OK, since these aren't sucky (a miracle ) I'm putting them here. They involve a combo of mild brain burps, funnies from the manager and just general things that have happened recently.

    Who leaves their car THERE?

    So today, we're doing the usual when we hear the PA click. Thinking that it's a closing announcement, I prepare myself to go "woohoo!" when instead I hear the following.

    "Attention please customers, could the owner of the Grand Cherokee Jeep with <license plate> please return to their car, it is about to be towed."

    Being done in this peppy voice by my manager caused us all much laughter
    However, my coworker was disappointed that he didn't say it was on fire. There was this great mental image however, of about ten customers storming the service desk wanting to speak to my manager about it being their car

    Mothers Day

    So in the lunchroom today, we began talking about Mothers Day and what we were gonna give our mothers (I bought her NCIS Season 5 and my sister and I got her earrings). One of my coworkers has his parents in Cambodia (he's Aussie born however...and I have a bit of a crush on him too ) and wasn't sure what he was going to send them.

    The other coworker however...was going to put flowers on his mum's grave.
    I felt so bad for bringing the subject up at that point. This particular coworker lost his mum about 3 years ago to something I don't know what. Since then, he's taken extreme offence to any "Your mumma" comments and while only a few of us know, we usually don't bring it up out of respect.

    Random comments that make me want to hug my manager

    "If you don't like it, you don't have to shop with us."

    "I give out crap to you guys all the time, so I do expect some back."

    "That guy was an idiot." (referring to my previous thread involving a pink-haired guy)

    "The Coke machine hates me."

    And finally...

    "the bag phaseout has been a pain in my ass."

    Security calls

    This probably belongs more in Sucky Customers, but I found out this week that there was a grand total of EIGHTEEN catches this week for shoplifting (singles and groups). Apparently, since Easter we've been getting more thefts...idiots. Don't they realise that we come prepared?
    Although the only call I got to witness resulted in the thief managing to escape, one of the guys on the call came back with a thong. Not the underwear kind either.
    Almost immediately, the response is "Can we identify him by smell?"

    (for the record, we do not have designated security people. Anyone who is management or not tied down to a station usually goes)
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    fireheart, going by this post you seem to have a decent manager, can we switch?
    Began work Aug as casual '08
    Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
    Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
    Why do I still work there again?


    • #3
      You can clone him yes....
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...

