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Wish me luck!

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  • Wish me luck!

    I meet with the regional manager tomorrow at job "A" (if you don't remember, it was my first job choice initially).

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well, I am offered a position and the money is right.

    I hate where I am now so bad, it ain't funny.

    My current DM can be so unprofessional it makes me want to scream. For example:
    Another manager was having some difficulties with their backroom. We were all getting slammed with shipment, bad. She had another store manager come and help clean it up. Problem was, he threw away some things that the other manager needed.
    This was a month ago.

    Yesterday on conference call the DM wants us to think of things that we would like to work on in the New Year and they would send a manager to your store to help.

    She comments to the manager that helped that he had better get ready to help organize some stores. The other manager jokingly says, "Don't let him come to your store, he will throw stuff you need away!". He starts joking with her (they are friends, he knew she was joking).

    DM says, in a very stern voice, "Well if you organized it yourself you wouldn't need him and therefore he wouldn't throw things you needed away."
    The other store manager (the guy) makes a comment like, "well, someone is a little testy today".

    WTF?? On one hand you are offering help, but on the other you are telling us we should do it ourselves. Grrr.

    She is always making comments like that. One time she accused a store manager of drinking on the job. She was joking, but I thought it was out of line. She left it on a v-mail that was heard by another manager. Then she made a comment on conference call.

    I really want this new job. Really do.
    Last edited by ZumZum; 12-13-2006, 06:05 AM.
    "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
    "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire

  • #2
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      I wish you GOOD LUCK
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Just an update. The meeting went VERY well. They said they would be in touch either Monday or Tuesday. From the way things went I believe they will be calling with an offer!! WooHoo!!!
        "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
        "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


        • #5
          Ugh. I hate the waiting game. I was told I would hear from them yesterday or today. I am pulling my hair out waiting. I know it's a busy time of year, I'm just anxious.

          I am considering sending an email to the store manager inquiring on the status.
          Good idea? Bad idea?

          Thanks for any input.
          "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
          "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


          • #6
            Good Luck! if you don't hear tommorow maybe send an email.

            No longer a flight atttendant!

