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Some advice needed

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  • Some advice needed

    Monday I'm going to be telling someone I selected for promotion they got it and the other who went for it she didn't.

    I know the person who didn't will be very disappointed.

    The thing is I know as manager something is happening in January where she is going to actually get a better position than she applied for. It just can't be revealed yet outside of managers because we are a publicy traded company and it involves another publicly traded company and such.

    I picked the person getting the promotion now because the person who isn't I consider a stronger employee and better worker. If the person who will wait got it she could not get the position in January due to a 6 month in same position thing.

    Any ideas what to say without saying? Something like "Something may happen?" or "We have something for you in mind for the near future"

  • #2
    I think i would have tried to delay the result until you can say something about the other job. Youre running the risk of the other person having christmas to think things over, and possibly decide to look elsewhere before this new job comes up.
    "don't go to the neighbors,that's just what the fire expects you to do"-phillippbo
    "Please do not look into laser with remaining eyeball."
    Support bacteria.They're the only culture some people have.


    • #3
      I would tell her as much as you can without letting the cat out of the bag. Say something to the effect of "We don't feel you are the best match for THIS position, however, we are working very hard on opening up an opportunity in the near future."

      This way you can give her the hint, without flat out telling her there is a better job coming round the bend. If she is currently content with the company, she'll stick it out for a month or two to see what happens.
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #4
        Delay as long as possible. Then when you're bugged about it, give slight hints, looking like you're saying something you shouldn't.


        • #5
          About a year ago, I was on the other side of a similar situation.

          I started off at the cable company as a temp in a very temporary position. The company was in the process of being sold, so there was hiring freeze... at the time, there was considerable doubt as to whether or not the company would even be keeping a call center in my town.

          A different temp position opened up... much better pay and it did have the possibility of being hired after the takeover if, in fact, the new company did keep the call center open. I wanted it, even though the future was uncertain and the takeover was almost six months away. But, when I tried to apply for it, I was told my application wouldn't even be accepted.

          I was upset and on the verge of just packing up my stuff and going home. During break, I ran into the lead trainer. I told him I didn't know whether to give two weeks notice, or just quit right then and there. He walked me out to the parking garage (shades of Watergate!):

          Trainer: This conversation isn't happening.
          Me: Okay.
          Trainer: Do you want to work here?
          Me: Very much so. But I need a job that I know isn't going to end tomorrow.
          Trainer: Then hang tight for a week. One week. Just trust me on this one.
          Me: Okay.
          Trainer: Remember, this conversation never happened.

          A week later, I was called to a meeting with HR.

          HR: We couldn't talk about this before today, but you're going to get the job you wanted.
          Me: Great.
          HR: Starting Monday, you'll be in training. Your pay will go to $xx.xx. You'll get full benefits, including having your cable account comped.
          Me: As a temp?
          HR: We got permission from the new company to start hiring full-time employees again, and you're the first one. Your chances of continuing on after the takeover just went from zero to almost 100%.

          There was a reason why everybody was so hush-hush about the whole thing... when it was announced I was hired full-time, everybody realized that the hiring freeze had been lifted... and that meant the call center was staying in town and a couple hundred employees would be keeping their jobs.
          I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


          • #6
            I'd say something like this, in a very subtle way, like this:

            "I'm sorry you didn't get THIS position *WINK**WINK* but SOMETHING *NUDGE**NUDGE* will PROBABLY come up VERY SOON *WINK**WINK* so don't worry about it. Just HANG IN THERE *POKE**JAB*. A BETTER position may come along SOONER THAN YOU THINK *WINK**PROD**POKE**HUGE SMILE*
            Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

            "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

