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How did we do it??

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  • How did we do it??

    Just one of those days that afterward you pace for a few moments. Pause. Look around. Think 'How did I get through this shift?' then go to clockout. This is more of a rant then anything.

    It was one of my best friends birthdays last night so i went out and partied a bit even though I worked this morning. I didnt have to much but i did have a huge lack of sleep. Oddly enough though I was very energized for work and blasted through freight before the rush came in.

    First problem. Our morning Home E guy doesnt show up so yours truly is maning Home E with a co-worker not trained in the area. Lines build up from xmas flow of shoppers. I start getting some big ticket item customers flowing in and I have to leave the untrained person in Home E alone since no one else can handle BTI. She has a line that doesnt die down for about 3 hours (her break time) and then im done BTI stuff and work through her break with the same line for another 2 hours or so. Basically the line didnt stop.

    3 o'clock rolles around and our second Home E person doesnt show up. By this time im pissed. Its the week before xmas and people arent showing up for shifts and Im stuck covering them AND doing my job as well. Thank god the customers where understanding for the most part. Some of course where a little annoyed but there wasnt a single SC. 4 o'clock hits. I do the pace thing as stuff slows down. I look at the timeclock punchout and head on home.

    A few other notes that bassically rained on my day.
    1. Scanner broke at about 12 so we had to manually punch in all upc's and sku's.
    2. found out first person didnt show up because him mommy didnt like him working that many hours in a week. ITS DECEMBER SUCK IT UP.
    3. Found out second guy didnt show up because he wasnt feeling well but he felt well enough to go out, get smashed, and do some E with his pals the night before. Now he is unable to work today. Please fire him.
    4. Ate a bad bagel. Or bad cream cheese on said bagel. May be a lil TMI but made for some rushed moments paging people when I was alone.
    5. Had 4 people wanting to look at games at one time. A kid was wanting to look at grand theft auto and was talking to a lady behind him (assumed mom) so i let him see it. Turns out it was not his mom and he walks off with it. This kid was like 9. Feeling like an idiot i track him down, i know he doesnt have it on his person as I would have noticed it (was the box set) but now we cant find it. Assumed stolen =(

    *end rant*
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.