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We had a robbery...

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  • We had a robbery...

    At 5am on Sunday morning, two dumbasses decided to rob our C-store. I wasn't working, since I refuse to work the night shift. That is another post all together actually. Anyways, J was working that morning.

    J was taking a smoke break outside, within camera view by the door. Two males walked up and told him to stay outside and do not get in the way. One guy had his hand his jacket, implying that he had weapon.
    I watched the video, the two guys knocked over our impulse rack and grabbed our register with our monitor still attached to it, and ran out the door. We were robbed within 8 SECONDS!
    So, the guys run off, the monitor falls off from the register. The key to the register was still on the register. They take the cash, and leaving several dollars of change in the parking lot.
    The grand total amount the guys stole was: $31. Yeah, get jail time all for 31 friggin dollars! We have a good view of the guy's faces and both of them look familar to me. I've seen them walking around in the neighborhood.

    J walks back into the store and calls 911. Cops arrive and the cops would not let him call K (the manager).
    Apparently K, was awake at this time since he was getting ready to come in an hour later. He has a police scanner for the east side of town. He heard our address on his scanner. He knew we were robbed before J called him.
    One of the cops investigating the robbery recognized one of the guys and he knows where he lives. If he is still at the same residence, his ass is grass.
    Half hour after we were robbed, another store within our district was also robbed by the same dudes.

    J is okay, so he says. Nobody was hurt thank goodness and thank goodness there wasn't any customers who were about to come in. When I came to work yesterday afternoon, J spent majority of the afternoon with M and I. He couldn't sleep.
    I hope the cops will catch those damn thieves.
    Last edited by NightAngel; 12-18-2006, 05:32 PM. Reason: Race Irrelevant

  • #2

    Don't kid yourself about working only day shifts as being safer. My store has been robbed 3 or 4 times in the last 5 years and only one of those was at night.

    After the last robbery my CSR (who had a gun shoved in her face) was VERY jumpy, emotional, had insomnia, etc. for a long time. It's been over a year and she's still shaky when 'shifty' looking people come in on our shift. Who can blame her?
    I commend her for staying on and she still works for us- but a lot of people find they can't- don't be surprised if J quits before long. The emotional impact of a robbery is much more costly than ANY amount of money they could take.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London


    • #3
      My work place, was robbed a few months back. I was not working then, but the 2 that robbed us, also rubbed from another store, just before then. All we had in the register, was 10 bucks. That was because, a customer came in, and their change was everything else we had in the register. Jail Time for $10 bucks. What a dumbass.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Back in 1979, when I was 19, I worked at a gas station. One Saturday evening I was robbed at gunpoint. The two guys tried to force me to get in their car with them. I started crying, and they told me to shut up because the police were at the red light on my corner. I started screaming. The robbers dropped me and took off. People poured in from all directions...the police waited for the light to turn green, and calmly made the right turn around the corner into my lot. I called the manager, and when I could not get hold of him, I left a message on his answering machine about what happened, and by the way, I quit.

        I ended up getting my final paycheck docked for the amount that was in the cash drawer.
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #5
          Quoth Primer View Post
          I ended up getting my final paycheck docked for the amount that was in the cash drawer.
          That is wrong on so many levels.

          Cyberpunk mayhem!


          • #6
            Quoth PorkChop View Post
            J is okay, so he says. Nobody was hurt thank goodness and thank goodness there wasn't any customers who were about to come in. <snip> He couldn't sleep.
            Quoth NightAngel View Post
            After the last robbery my CSR (who had a gun shoved in her face) was VERY jumpy, emotional, had insomnia, etc. for a long time. It's been over a year and she's still shaky when 'shifty' looking people come in on our shift. Who can blame her?
            I commend her for staying on and she still works for us- but a lot of people find they can't- don't be surprised if J quits before long. The emotional impact of a robbery is much more costly than ANY amount of money they could take.
            I'd never been robbed when I worked at the gas station. My sister, however, was. Twice, that I remember. She took the first one well, but went home for a few hours (and the boss was nice enough to let me punch in to keep the place going). While she WAS in a mild state of shock, she handled it well, and for some reason didn't quit. Not even after the second time. She doesn't like working Sundays anymore. I'll link her and she can comment when she's available.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Thanks for the props, Becks.

              After 3½ years, I am still jumpy. I hate being by myself, and any group of more then 0 (<---only slighty exaggerating) people tend to make me nervous.

              First robbery was 2 guys with a gun. They waited in line to rob me. There were people at most of the pumps when it happened. As far as I know, they were never found. Second time was "just" a grab and run, and my boss was pissed that I didn't just slam the register shut on the guy's hands. Yeah right. I was in complete shock at that time. He even told me to not tell my family or any of the other people who worked there what happened. Actually, he was pissed that I called him about it at all.

              After the second robbery, which was exactly 3 weeks after the first, I was petrified. I begged my boss to have someone come in and work with me. I even offered to work for free. He wouldn't do it. My mom would come and sit at the store with me until I locked the doors (which I locked at 9, an hour early). We were open till midnight, but city rules stated that the doors had to be locked at 10 PM, so we had a window through which to do business. Surprisingly, the boss never said anything about that, but would get on my case about Mom being there.

              Strongly encourage J to get counseling. He may think he's doing fine, and he may well be, but it wouldn't hurt, either. I'm thinking about trying to dig out the card from the VCU cop who talked to me and see if it's too late, because I'm a lot more jumpy than I am comfortable with after all this time.
              I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

              Oh, and your tool box got out again.


              • #8
                Quoth Primer View Post

                I ended up getting my final paycheck docked for the amount that was in the cash drawer.
                Wouldn't that be, apart from morally f*cked up, completely illegal? Shouldn't they offer counselling and support for being in a tramatic experience while on duty?
                3 Basic rules for ordering food.
                - Order from the menu.
                - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
                - Don't talk about Fight Club.


                • #9
                  Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
                  Wouldn't that be, apart from morally f*cked up, completely illegal? Shouldn't they offer counselling and support for being in a tramatic experience while on duty?
                  At the grocery store i worked at, if you till came up short, you could pay the difference out of your paycheck.
                  But this is way freaking different.
                  ITs not the cashiers fault someone stuck a gun in their face to rob them.

                  So while they may have some rule to allow that crap, its still just stupid crap.
                  Its a big slap in the face.
                  Hey we know you talk about living paycheck to paycheck, but since you just got robbed, were going to take that money from your paycheck. Even though we always tell you to just hand the money over, and refuse to put in security systems to protect you with.
                  And dont forget S.S. We arent human. We dont have emotions, we dont need no stinking consuling.
                  Cyberpunk mayhem!


                  • #10
                    I get the difference between a short till, and stealing..

                    Though more then once, at my old job, (petrol, or 'gas' station) I paid for driveoffs instead of filling out the form and such, because it was often too much hassle to do it the 'proper' way.

                    But being held up... that's just... I know the US is court-crazy... But for this.. It's justified to take them and hit them for all you can.
                    3 Basic rules for ordering food.
                    - Order from the menu.
                    - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
                    - Don't talk about Fight Club.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Primer View Post
                      I ended up getting my final paycheck docked for the amount that was in the cash drawer.
                      Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
                      Wouldn't that be, apart from morally f*cked up, completely illegal?

                      I think maybe things were done differently in the 70s, or the boss was an
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Just a reminder, it's illegal for your boss to make you pay for a till shortage, either due to robbery, personal theft, or just plain stupidity. They can write you up, move you to a non-cash-handling position, or just plain fire you, but they can't require that you pay it back. And once again, that number is 1-866-4-US-WAGE and it's open Mon-Fri 8-5 your local time.
                        "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
                        "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
                        My MySpace
                        My LiveJournal


                        • #13
                          The Mcdonalds I worked at in high school got robbed like, an hour after I left. They pistolwhipped one guy and locked everyone working in the downstairs freezer, luckily one of the people had a cell phone that wasnt visible and called 911 after they left. The guys who robbed the McDonalds also robbed several other places and were becoming increasingly violent as they went along, I think they seriously injured or even killed someone right before they were caught.

