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Can I kill the person who caused this, please?

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  • Can I kill the person who caused this, please?

    So, when I got into work I was informed of a massive call volume increase. At 9AM. Great.


    People were getting emails from us stating that their antivirus software (The one that start's with W) has been renewed for XX dollars. Except one thing - people who got these emails never bought the special store-licensed software from us, these people were never actually charged.

    We told people it was a "system error" and to disregard the email.

    At first we indeed thought it was a glitch in the email server, but our BS meter went off when people were being emailed who's email addresses were not even in our system. Then the calls started rolling in that people would click on the link on the bottom of the email and they would be directed to a site that's not ours and - you guessed it - it would try to download a rogueware virus.

    Great, scumbags decided to impersonate us to infect people's computers by the truckload. Now we have to tell them to NOT click on the link and tell them to run a virus scan if they do.

    This is where it gets really sucky: We charge for virus removal if the customer does not have a premium service contract. If a customer clicks on the link in this email and gets a virus, and we tell them they need to pay, it's going to cause a real shitstorm.

    I'm dreading going back to work now. I'll try to update later on....

  • #2
    Boy, either fix it for free or face a shitstorm of complaints! Either way you lose.

    Have you gotten law enforcement involved yet?

    Good luck, you'll need it!


    • #3
      I don't know if you can kill the person who caused this, but you definitely may.

      I suggest the
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        For sure. I second Irv's notion.
        "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


        • #5
          Holy cow. I would H.A.T.E to be in your shoes. My condolenses...


          • #6
            A little late but here goes....

            When I came back from lunch, the volume of calls largely stopped, which means either a) law enforcement caught the scumbag or b) people just got smart and deleted the fake email.


            • #7
              Probably a), why should people get smart after lunch?

              Of course you can kill the one responsible, every spam victim in the world will be on your side. Surely it will be judged justifiable homicide .

