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Goodbye to Little John

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  • Goodbye to Little John

    Today, we officially have a new pest control vendor at the motel, which means I don't get to see Little John anymore. I call him that, because he bears a striking resemblance to Little John from Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Big, tall, husky, long hair and beard (His real name is John, too).

    Oh, how I fondly remember one of my earliest encounters with him. There I was, in the laundry room when he came up with a rat trap, trying to show me the "big, fat, nasty, slimy rat" that he'd caught. There I was, screaming and running away. (There was actually no rat. He was just pulling a prank.)

    Picture Little John in your mind. Big, tall....and absolutely terrified of spiders. How a pest control guy can be scared of spiders, I have no idea. When we found bugs or other creepy-crawlies in the rooms, we were supposed to save them so Little John could ID them and modify our service to take care of them if necessary. Oh, how we delighted in saving the spiders and pulling them out to show him, watching him cringe and get all squeamish!

    I can only hope that our new pest control guy is just as fun. *sighs*
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    How about call the old vendor's HQ and recommend John's service? Sounds like you guys had a decent working relationship, I used to have running jokes like that with my c-store regulars.
    I miss that kind of banter /fun.

    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

