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IBS and Bathroom Police

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  • IBS and Bathroom Police

    ...or "Go use the facilities on your own floor!"

    As I've mentioned, our office is getting renovations done. We're getting everything remodeled and that includes the restrooms. Which means that for a few days both the men's and women's rooms are unavailable so we have to go down to the 2nd floor. That in itself isn't a problem. The problem is that several weeks ago, before the renovations started on the restrooms, there was an e-mail notice sent from the building management about people using the restrooms if they weren't on their own floor.

    However, it was in regards to the restrooms on the 1st floor because there is one less toilet there than there is on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors (3 toilets per restroom vs 2 women and 1 men on the 1st floor; it's also important to note that they are all handicapped on the 1st floor, so a lot of people like to go there for more privacy than use the ones on their own floors). with that background out of the way, onto the story.

    One of my co-works suffers from IBS and I'm sure those on the board who have it or know someone who does, when the urge to go is great, you go. No messing around. Yesterday morning, my co-worker had an attack and ran down to the 2nd floor. She came back about 10 minutes later with someone from one of the offices in tow, chewing her out and going on and on about how dare she disobey the e-mail from the management company, breaking rules, etc. and demanding to talk to her boss and whoever ran the office.

    I went to get my manager while the receptionist tried to calm down the lady and answer phones. Apparently at one point she snapped at the receptionist to "stop fucking around on the phones and get someone!" to which she told her that's exactly what I was doing.

    My manager came out and she too was assaulted to swearing and cussing and generally being bitched at because my co-worker, who by this time was so stressed she had to once more run down and use the facilities ended up leaving for the day because she..well..had to change her clothes because she didn't make it in time.

    My manager went down and spoke to the people in the office, telling them that they did not have any facilities because they were being renovated. The bitchy lady didn't care and started in, while the office manager was more understanding and told bitchy lady to go back to her desk. She even felt bad and sent some flowers to us later because of her employee's behavior.

    I know that people get rabid over this, but damn..I've had run ins with bitchy lady before, and she has a rep in the building for being the police for other things.
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    Holy frak, what a cow!

    As a sufferer of can literally hit out of nowhere, it is HORRIBLY painful, and the only relief is to GO RIGHT NOW! Sometimes the last part isn't very voluntary. If you don't move fast it's coming whether you like it or not.

    My doctor has likened the pain to labor contractions...that's how much it hurts. If someone stood in my way of an open bathroom they'd end up trampeled. Imagine being in horrible pain and having someone stand in the way of the only relief of that pain, giving you an earful about some company email. Grr!
    My dollhouse blog.

    Blog about life


    • #3
      Sounds like she needs to have her "pee card" taken away for a week to see how she feels by the end of it.

      Seriously, with ignorant people like that they should be punished and embarrassed for the whole staff to see. But i guess that makes me ignorant to ignorance lol.


      • #4
        What a bitch!

        I don't have IBS, but I have lactose intolerance and gastroparesis, and yeah, sometimes I just need to GO. Right now. No delays.

        How awful that that poor woman had to go home and change clothes because of one stupid bitch overstepping her bounds.
        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
        Amayis is my wifey


        • #5
          I would seriously have said something about "harrassment" "discrimination" "illness" to that lady's boss and then see what would happen after that. IBS is not fun. Never had it, never want to.
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            As a fellow IBS sufferer, I know *exactly* what she was going through, and I'd make a formal complaint about that woman to her boss!!!
            The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


            • #7
              IF someone needs to use a particular bathroom then use it! Having someone else dictate where you can go to the bathroom sounds like a power play that needs to be stopped COLD. What would she like, for someone with IBS to make a mess right there on the floor? That'll make her shut up real quick in a hurry!


              • #8
                I wanted to add the reason we're using the 2nd floor rather than the 3rd is because like us, the company there has the entire floor and the restrooms are behind secured doors. The only way to get back there is if you're escorted.

                What is also interesting is that we have two suites on the 2nd floor and bitchy has seen the people from those offices go in and not said two words to them. Go figure.
                Random conversation:
                Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                DDD: Cuz it's cool

                So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                • #9
                  I'd like to know how in the hell does that bitch still have a job. Was there anything said to her about her behavoir? I would also ask her why she yelled at your coworker. Seriously she needs to be called to the carpet for this. Somebody needs to tell her to learn some fucking compassion.
                  Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

                  Proud Air Force Mom


                  • #10
                    You know, I have no idea. She's been with her company for as long as I've been with mine or probably longer.

                    She used to give me crap when our reception desk was on the first floor and we had more space (long before downsizing hit). I remember I was packing up my stuff for the front desk and she happened to be walking by. She gave me a dirty look and sniped something like "Finally got fired, huh?" I just ignored her and took my things up to the 4th floor where I've been ever since.

                    The best thing is that the manager who sent out the e-mail will be by later today to check the progress of the renovations. I'm sure that this issue will be addressed then.
                    Random conversation:
                    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                    DDD: Cuz it's cool

                    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                    • #11
                      half the problem is some people dont have any sympathy/empathy for others until they're unfortunate enough to be in the exact same position.

                      i used to have IBS a few years back that would hit at the most unfortunate times. once that strange feeling starts happening you have to stop what youre doing and run to find the closest toilet and pray you make it.

                      that woman is a bully pure and simple. i think if id been in your work colleagues (sp?) position with the bully following me i would have turned around and told her to go away and mind her own business.


                      • #12
                        My brother suffers IBS.

                        I don't, but I did have a similar incident involving a ladies' restroom at the library and and an attack, illness.

                        The men's room was locked. There was no one in the ladies and it's a single bathroom, so I went in rather than risk embrassment in a town that was twenty miles from my home and no money for a change of clothes.

                        Alas it wasn't reason enough for the Mouth Breather's Society, North Adams, Mass Chapter.


                        • #13
                          Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                          My brother suffers IBS.

                          I don't, but I did have a similar incident involving a ladies' restroom at the library and and an attack, illness.

                          The men's room was locked. There was no one in the ladies and it's a single bathroom, so I went in rather than risk embrassment in a town that was twenty miles from my home and no money for a change of clothes.

                          Alas it wasn't reason enough for the Mouth Breather's Society, North Adams, Mass Chapter.

                          what? did they expext all the men to do their business outside but the women get the privledge of an inside loo?

