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  • Teehee

    I'm so easily amused.
    We've moved the videogames, music and movies section out of the electronics store into it's own store space (we're in a mall) last night. ACROSS THE HALL from said electronics store. 40 minutes in my shift today, I already got a ''Well there used to be a video game store at (my store name)".

    Same stock, same name, same girlclerk, but a whole new shopping experience!

    Also got a "Are you just Music now?" Despite the first thing you hit when you enter the store is Game consoles, Mario plushies, Yoshi keychains and the front wall is covered in games and accessories. The Music corner is kinda buried in a 3 walls nook on the other end.

    Makes me a lil sad that very soon, they'll lock me up in my own, empty office with stocks...
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.

  • #2
    I want a mario plushie

    In my area of the cold north we dont get cool stuff like that lol.

