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dear management

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  • dear management

    i quit

    this has been along time coming; i'll be surprised if you didn't expect it. i'm really tired of y'all walking all over me. i've been there for almost 4 years and you treat me like i'm one of the appliances. and since you manage to break a very expensive grinder a couple weeks ago, that's saying a lot.
    this whole "less that 15 hours a week" thing is getting really annoying. i'm the assistant freaking manager! i really don't care if the owner won't "give you" more than 90 labor hours a week. tell him to get stuffed! he's never even in the store! grow a pair and tell him that running a small business is nothing like running a huge corporation.
    also: $9 an hour is stupid. granted, not working is less pay. but not having an ulcer and not dreading going to work is worth it. on days i open, i drive in wondering what kind of mess i'm going to have to clean up from the night before. i've talked to you about this, too. you know that it's an issue. but it doesn't change.
    when i close, i wonder how many dishes i'm going to do because your wife is too lazy to do them and she refuses to accept my help on learning a more efficient way to open. i mean honestly...she uses every single pan in the store to do the opening bake. that's probably around 30 pans. i use 11. and then i wash 5. and then i'm pretty much done. she, however, typically leaves a huge pile of dishes for the closing person. and she doesn't care.
    when you two took over, you said nothing would change. that was a big fat lie. every time i mention how things have been done for years, you shrug it off, saying that it doesn't matter. you won't even let me train anyone. doesn't matter that i know the store inside and out and backwards.
    i'm done. i'm would say that i'm sorry for quitting right before black friday...but i'm not. it's really hard to care any more. since y'all have taken over, 4 of the 6 people that came with the store have quit. maybe you'll eventually get the hint. but probably not. when i actually go in and quit tomorrow, you'll probably be upset with me. and i'm cool with that. i'm just going to walk away. be as upset as you want. just mail me my paycheck and we're done.
    your disgruntled former employee,
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

  • #2
    *hugs* I wish you good luck in whatever you decide to do now. Seems like you got out of a huge mess.
    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


    • #3
      GF, Im sorry.

      Youre right to go. Im honestly surprised you lasted this long under those circumstances. Hope the other store works out for ya!


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        Im honestly surprised you lasted this long under those circumstances.
        i think the reason i lasted so long was because i'd been there for a total adding up to around 4 years. i guess i didn't want to believe that it was getting that bad and it would get better. to be honest, it felt like i was breaking up with a neglectful boyfriend that was a good guy...just not a good boyfriend. when i quit, they didn't freak. they actually were pretty understanding. i was surprised. still sucks, tho
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

