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Question for those of you in call centers....

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  • Question for those of you in call centers....

    Is it just me, or do the rest of y'all hate talking on the phone when you get off work?

    My friends get annoyed because I never answer my cell, but given that I spend 40 plus hours a week on the phone, I'd rather text/IM/email. Being on the phone for anything not absolutely necessary just drives me nuts.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    I've recently quit working at a call center cause I HATED IT SO MUCH! UGH, i'm feeling depressed just thinking about it. How are you surviving it?!

    But yea, when I finished my shift, I couldn't even have the radio on in my car on the way home, my head just hurt so much from having to listen to shithead customers all day.

    I had to have complete silence for at least a good hour after work in order to function normally and not go completely insane.
    I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
    another time, this world would fade away
    To find true love, is like no other joy,
    our choice is here
    be happy for today


    • #3
      I did 2 1/2 years in call center hell. At the time I was in a long distance relationship and the b/f was 100 miles away. Thankfully he understood that when he called me after work and I said "not tonight" I didn't wanna talk and he was cool with it. Now I've transferred to Boston, and am living with the former LD b/f and my work phone rings on average 3 times a MONTH!!
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #4
        I remember those days. I used to keep Rush 2112 in the car for the drives home when I had a really bad day.


        • #5
          Makes perfect sense to me. After I spend all day on the computer, I don't want to go home and stare at another screen. I can't imagine how much I'd hate them if I was tech support...
          Curiously Lydean - curious interests of a curious person.


          • #6
            Having worked in both call centers and tech support I have to say I disagree here.

            But then, i'm not exatly the social type to begin with. The only time I get phone calls are from family, or friends calling to make plans. I don't mind being on the phone at all for these things, but then these things are important to me.

            As for the computer side of things, I got into tech support because I enjoy working with computers very much. I decided to stop working Tech support because it was destroying my enjoyment of my one true hobby.

            At my current job I spend my whole shift in front of a computer, and when I get home I spend most of my free time in front of my computer. I use it for everything from communication, to watching DVD's, playing games etc. Just because I see one at work all day does not change my opinion of them.


            • #7
              Quoth myswtghst View Post
              Is it just me, or do the rest of y'all hate talking on the phone when you get off work?

              My friends get annoyed because I never answer my cell, but given that I spend 40 plus hours a week on the phone, I'd rather text/IM/email. Being on the phone for anything not absolutely necessary just drives me nuts.
              I worked in Hell, otherwise known as the Service Center routing department for about two years. If I had a nickel for every time I was yelled at, hung up on, ignored (would answer the phone on the first go round, but refuse to answer if we called back), degraded, threatened, or generally chastized for doing my job I would have no reason to visit this site anymore-cuz I wouldn't have to work.

              I hated being on a computer or talking on the phone all the time. We had to wear these stupid headsets too, so I couldn't even work with a hands-free device.

              I FEEL YOUR PAIN
              I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
              "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


              • #8
                It's odd, also, because I don't actually mind the computer, and even after sitting in front of one all day, I'll have it up at home as well, or talk on AIM.

                I think it's mostly because I have a few friends, especially the ones who are younger than me, that like to talk for hours, which I cannot do, and I have a hard time getting off the phone with them, so I just don't pick up at all, unless it's my family calling, or someone I'm hanging out with that day/night.
                "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                • #9
                  I have some co-workers who I don't think I've ever seen when they're not talking on a phone. They pull into the parking lot talking on a cell phone, walk into work that way, answer phones for a job, and then dial someone up the minute they go on break or leave for the day. That truly amazes me.

                  I really could do without a phone at home. I have email, text and even voicemail for the people who can't be bothered to learn that writin' stuff. All of it's linked together, so no matter where I am or what time it is, I'll instantly get any message you care to send, anyway you care to send it. But I probably won't pick up the phone if you call me.

                  Computers are another thing altogether. I can spend my off hours on a computer without a problem... but I'm not keen on doing tech support when I'm not getting paid for it.
                  I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                  • #10
                    Worked call centers for 5 years from age 17 to 22...I'm 36 now. After that I went to retail (which includes phones too). I could talk on the phone on and off clock...problem was, I couldn't develop eye contact during a conversation...still can't, its just easier to understand and respond without y'all lookin' at me!!!
                    You have the right to behave badly. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a blog of my choice.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Chanlin View Post

                      At my current job I spend my whole shift in front of a computer, and when I get home I spend most of my free time in front of my computer. I use it for everything from communication, to watching DVD's, playing games etc. Just because I see one at work all day does not change my opinion of them.
                      Same here, Chanlin, except I spend my 8-4 on the computers at school!


                      • #12
                        I spent 3 years at a Victoria's Secret Catalogue call center. I was the same way, couldn't stand to be on a phone after I got off. My best friend was working at the T-Mobile call center for a while and kept trying to get me to apply there. I don't care how good they pay (and it was good), sorry, there's just not enough money to get me to go back to a call center!

                        Here's hoping you get out soon!
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          I hate phones. HAAATE them. I won't even answer my phone after work unless it's one of my friends from out of state. And since most of them contact me over one of my IMs, e-mail adresses, or even in WoW... yeah, they have ways of getting a hold of me.

                          Computers are different, though I guess I really don't stare at them all day, since lately I'm taking fewer and fewer calls... That and when I'm playing one of my Jack Thompson Disapproved Violent Video Games, I'm definitely not thinking about my job.
                          Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams

