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Had a phone interview today-

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  • Had a phone interview today-

    at a different optometrist, and the lady that I spoke to seemed to really like me. She says I should expect a call back for a full on interview later this week.

    I don't write too much about my job because frankly, I'd be on here all day if I posted every time someone mistreated me at my main office. I have been trying to be transfered full time to our other location, but the owner of that office says that she can't approve the transfer because "my boss (aka her husband!) won't let me go." The office manager of the good office knows that I have an interview elsewhere and she has been fighting hard to get the transfer approved, and if I end up getting a transfer then I'd be perfectly content to stay at my current job. (Unless the pay at this new place were to be significantly better, in which case I'd probably take the job if it were offered to me. Hey, I've got bills to pay too!

    Frankly, my boss is a looney SOB who will be decent to me one minute and then be screaming at me the next. The guy treats me like a dog he can kick around, pure and simple. He does not treat me the way he treats his other employees, as if he thinks there's something wrong with me. He will straight up look me up and down some mornings, roll his eyes, and then either walk away and hand whatever he was going to have me do to someone else (because I'm apparently too ugly or dumb to deal with). He sometimes will pull me aside and start YELLING at me and telling me that something I've done is "pure bullshit" and that I should be smarter about things, blah blah blah.

    And that's just my boss! I've already bitched to you guys about a couple of my rotten coworkers- they're lazy and self centered and superficial and are constantly criticizing me about stuff-I freaking loathe them.

    So, screw it, one way or another I'm getting out of this place. I don't let anyone else talk to me the way that these people do, and I'm not going to allow it anymore.

    Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.
    "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"

  • #2
    Good luck!

    {sends good vibes JuniorMintz's way}


    • #3
      Good luck, JM. You deserve better than this.


      • #4
        GOOD LUCK!!!!! Crossing fingers, toes, and whatever else I can for ya.
        "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


        • #5
          Good on you for getting out of a bad situation. You're a smart, pretty young woman and you don't need that kind of abuse.

          Somewhere there's an office where they'll see what a gem you are.

          Good Luck!
          "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

          ~TechSmith 314
          HellGate: London


          • #6
            Good luck in getting out of there.

            The word "bullshit" does not belong in the business world in any circumstance. I had a client say that once, and my boss chewed him out. He said if the client couldn't behave like a businessman, we weren't going to deal with him.


            • #7
              Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                here's to you getting a better job with a boss that treats you as you should be: a valuable, hard working employee who's willing to go that extra mile. *getting rare due to a growth in cynicism...sadly enough. *
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  Never stay at a job with a screaming boss.

                  Good job hunting!
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    I feel bad for his wife, who is working at the other office for apparent reasons. Good luck and get out of there quick.
                    Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

                    Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

                    I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.


                    • #11
                      Whoops!!! Sorry for the double post.
                      Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

                      Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

                      I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.


                      • #12
                        Frankly, JM, I wonder why you've even put up w/ ANY of this horsepucky.

                        I'd walk up to Mr. Jerk, and tell him, Have A Nice Day. And hand him the I Quit Today Notice.

                        Dignity, Integrity, and Chutzpah.

                        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                        • #13
                          Heh, Cutenoob, I've always loved your style.

                          I had a voicemail from the new office today looking to schedule an interview-i returned the call but it was after *their* hours so I left a message and she should hopefully call me back to set an official time. The lady really seems to like me so far, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

                          That, and I'm keeping my toes crossed that the transfer to the other office works out-frankly I'd be happy to stay at that office full time if they'd have me. I guess it would depend on what the pay would be like at the new office. Either way I'm going to do the interview and see how it goes-worse comes to worse, I don't *have* to take the job if I feel uneasy. But so far, so good.

                          (crosses-well, everything.)
                          "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


                          • #14
                            good luck maybe, if they both think you're *REALLY* fantabulous, they'll start a bidding war to get you
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                            • #15
                              Definitely don't stay anywhere where they can't treat you like a person... There are too many jobs out there for you to stick around this one and get stepped on all day. No job is worth that... Don't ever let someone (especially a manager) make you feel like you're sub-human. That is so inappropriate.
                              I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                              "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue

